Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easy to Follow Fat Loss Plan

Losing fat is always on everyone’s mind, but when it comes to putting the fat loss plan in action most of us back off because we aren’t game enough to follow it. Losing fat not only makes us look better but also makes our body’s health condition better as well. When we start to lose fat, we are stepping into the realm of living a normal healthy life. After all, health is wealth, isn’t it? There are 5 easy steps to follow a fat loss plan.

For the first step, you need to understand how committed you should be to follow these easy fat loss plans and make sure your mind and body are ready to take this important step to come closer to a fat free, healthy life.

Then we come to the second and not so difficult step, working out. You should start setting up a schedule for daily long walks in the morning. You could also take up a sport like tennis so that you can start moving your body for a change. Another tip is to stop using your car as often as you used to do and start walking short distances like going to the store. A little exercise never killed anyone so you should stop putting it off. The more you work out the more unwanted fat you end up losing in the process of exercising.

You can also consider going to a gym if you think you are up to it. Remember, starting is always fun, continuing it isn’t always as fun. So, if you’re going to work out, please make sure that you will do it everyday, because if you aren’t going to, the work out sessions you do put in won’t have as much effect on your body. You need to workout everyday without fail if you want to kiss your fat goodbye. We bet that following this step in the fat loss plan is easier than you expected.

Now we come to step 3, where we need to get rid of all the fattening food in your refrigerator and replace it with lean protein like fresh fish, which is rich in the highest quality of naturally occurring protein that can be found. Also, chicken, lean beef, nuts and low fat dairy products are also good sources of protein for our body, so add them into your diet as well.

Besides protein, you need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. The more greens you eat the healthier you will be. Most vegetables are 100% natural and fat free. They also give your body loads of vitamins, minerals and fiber, and at the same time bring down your calorie intake.

For step 4, you might want to start drinking green tea. It is famous for increasing your metabolism and burning body fat, even when you don’t increase your daily exercise. This means that you’ll burn more calories at rest when you add green tea to your everyday diet.

Then we come to step 5. This one is the best one, make sure you get sufficient rest, and make sure to sleep well. Plenty of rest will make sure that your body doesn’t store unnecessary fat. It also gives you the energy to get through your day and exercise. Now wasn’t that an easy to follow fat loss plan?

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

Affordable Fat Loss Solutions

We take turns spending hours at the gym and starving ourselves to lose weight. Yet the moment we eat something, our weight seems to be back again! This is because what we are losing here is not fat, but only weight. And the two of them are not the same! You need to cut down fat to get that hour glass figure. Of course, that is more easily said than done. There are many ways to lose fat – even surgery helps you to remove fat masses from your body. There are numerous expensive diets, pills and other cosmetic ways to cut fat. However, if you’re looking for an affordable fat loss solution, this article will give you just that.

You might not actually start out with six pack abs, but I’m guessing you won’t mind if you end up with them. So, how do you get there? The body is programmed to use body fat as the last reserve for energy. However, what you need to do to lose fat is trick your body to release this fat first. It’s never easy to change your body’s programming, yet with a little perseverance you can surely win the battle against all odds. All you really need are a few effective and affordable fat loss solutions.

Changing your food habits is the best way to lose fat effectively, without starvation diets and tons of heavy exercise. In fact, if you starve your body, it will immediately try to create more fat reserves. Obviously, this is the last thing you want to do. So the solution is to make a permanent change in your food pattern. Don’t completely stop eating foods that contain fat. Instead, limit the amount that you take in. Similarly, you should also limit the sugar-rich foods and high glycemic index foods like refined carbs.

Another important fat loss solution is to try to eat five to six small meals a day rather than huge meals two or three times a day. This way you can stop the habit of stuffing yourself at meal time. Remember that with smaller servings, the stomach will shrink, which means you will feel fuller faster and get more time to burn the fat. Also once you have eaten what your body needs, the excess is stored by the body as fat. So, make sure your portion sizes aren’t too large. Another fat loss solution you can use everyday is to stop eating at least two hours before you retire to bed. Otherwise your body will tend to store more fat while you sleep.

During your meals, you should try to eat slowly as the stomach requires at least 20 minutes to signal the brain that it’s full. To avoid unnecessary fat, eat foods that are rich in nutrients and energy – like vegetables and protein rich foods. Go easy on starchy foods like rice, pasta, potatoes etc. You may have them daily if you like. However, try to reduce the quantity of their intake. And remember that dairy and meat also contain a lot of fat. One last rule, allow yourself a treat once in a while – say once a week – so you won’t feel depressed and sad over having to change your diet.

These are the most affordable fat loss solutions. While these fat loss solutions don’t require you to workout in the gym for hours, you can see even better fat loss results when coupled with moderate daily exercise. Lose the fat today and feel healthier and happier!

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

A Super Simple Low Carbohydrate Diet Menu For Fat Loss

The thought of following a low carbohydrate diet menu may sound dull, but if you've certain plans in mind it can be exciting and full of fun. There are tons of healthy alternatives to the foods you like most. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy and eating them is not really a bad thing. But you have to choose between the good and bad carbohydrates in your diet plan. As long as you know the right foods that you can include in your diet plan you can definitely enjoy a low carbohydrate diet menu for long time.

A perfect planning and setting a goal can help you a lot to improve your overall health. The first step is to add in foods that are low carbohydrate that are simple to follow. In case if you're out for a party at your friends houses you must not feel awkward because there are plenty of options available for you. You just need to eat more vegetables to kill your appetite and stay clear from high sugar junk foods. You can also eat almonds, nuts and meat. Now a days, many parties serve low carbohydrate foods like shrimps, meat, cold cuts and sashimi.

Many restaurants today also offers few dishes that are low in carbohydrates, hence there will be no difficulty in following your diet plan. As a matter a fact, Carl’s Junior fast food restaurant offers low carb sandwiches where instead of using bread as wraps, they use large salad leaves. You can also order soup or just order a steak with vegetables instead of French fires. There are options out there. You just need to control your appetite. Your diet plan can still work because you have got plenty of options even you go out for a party or restaurants or away from home.

At homes you can start the day with a healthy breakfast. You can eat boiled eggs, whole-wheat cereals, sprouts, low-fat cheese, bacon etc. You can make omelet and drink low fat milk or high protein shake. Again, it is very important to choose easily breakfast choices. Choose more complex carbohydrate foods in your meals. The options are plenty; you can choose brown rice instead of white rice. Make your low carbohydrate diet menu full of legumes like beans, peas, and peanuts and whole grains. Legumes and whole grains are high in fiber and proteins. If you like non-vegetarian foods you can eat meat, fish and eggs. Stay away from processed meat and seafood like mussels and oysters.

Now you can choose your favorite low carbohydrate foods and try to eat it at regular intervals. Also, you need to avoid the unhealthy snacks and remove them permanently from your low carbohydrate diet menu. Instead eat leafy vegetables as your snacks and eat them anytime you feel like eating. It's also great idea to pack them in sandwich bags and consume them whenever you feel hungry. Such snacks are way better for weight loss compare to foods like burgers, hot dogs, cookies and can help you mantain a healthy life.

Well, there are many low carbohydrate foods out there and you surely can lose body fat with it. Over consumption of carbohydrates can lead to obesity and weight gain. Hence it’s important for you to choose the right carbohydrates and carry on with it to maintain healthy life.

A low carbohydrate diet menu does not restrict you from eating; instead you can eat as much you want till you’re full. Just make sure you choose the right type of carbohydrate that is low glycemic and have a diet plan ready. Follow it for first few days and if you are comfortable, you can even follow it for rest of your life. I guess with so many low carbohydrate foods that you can lay your hands on, there will be no reason for you to give yourself excuses that it is tough. You can lose nothing but only weight.

Tony Leong has helped many people lose weight and control their appetite. Get your top weight loss secrets info here where you can download his free weight loss e-book for a limited time only!

The Best Way to Lose Weight

There is a best way to lose weight, it's the way the works best for you. There are hundreds of ways to lose weight. If you go about it the right way: Safely, naturally, and permanently- it doesn't matter exactly how you do it.

First remember there is ONLY ONE WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT THAT WORKS: You have to use upmore calories that you consume. The preferred way to do this is to slowly take it off by creating a small daily calorie deficit.

If you want to lose weight in best way possible, this is the way to do it. Mostly because this is the ONLY way it works. Anyone that says you don't have to do this, is only trying to sell you a useless shortcut.

If with you're with me so far, your far ahead of most people. Why? Because few people want the total truth when it comes to the best ways to lose weight. So my number one weight loss tip when it comes to natural weight loss: ONLY DO WHAT WORKS- or don't waste your time. Doing what does not work only makes you think safe, healthy, and permanent weight loss is impossible. So you give up trying completely, and that's the very worst thing that can happen.

Weight loss is a lot like trying to learn any new skill, like learning how to ride a bike. The slowest and most frustrating part in the very beginning. After that, it's easy. You can learn the best way to lose weight [the way it works for you] in a great new e-book, New Body New Life. It comes with a sixty day money back guarantee.

To begin, take a very honest look at what you eat and how active you are. If you eat junk food all day and drink several liters of soda- and refuse to stop doing that- natural and safe weight loss will never happen. Why? Because you are attempting the impossible.

Do you see how to find the best way to lose weight for you?

You need to first identify, then change the HABITS that are causing you to gain weight, over to NEW HABITS that cause you to lose it. Nothing else will work when to comes to natural weight loss.

Unfortunately, your mind will often lie right to your face! It will often tell you to eat that
bag of chips. However, what your mind says is often not the best way to succeed at weight loss.

So what's the best solution to making weight loss work?

You start with the mind. When you ask; how can I lose weight, remember this: Weight loss is 99% mental. You need to learn how to change those no good habits over to good habits. You have to stop doing what doesn't work- and start doing what does. Honet weight loss information is everywhere! The information is NOT the problem. Putting the information to work is the problem.

And here's what does work:

Step 1: Get honest about what actally works. You can't fix your weight gain habits if you refuse to see them.

Step 2: Clean up what you eat.

Step 3: Get some exercise.

Step 4: Take a little positive action and get started.

If you follow these four steps until they become your new habits, you will be able to
choose your weight right down to the pound.

The important thing is to take an honest look at the habits that are causing weight gain, and one at a time [or all at once] address them- and don't give up until those new habits are part of your new life.

If you can easily change your habits, you're all set. If changing 10, 20, or 30 years of less than ideal habits is going to be a challenge, I highly recommend you read New Body New Life. It is not a diet or workout book.

It's a guidebook that teaches you how to determine the best way to lose weight that works for you.

This new book teaches you how to do the only thing that makes permanent weight loss really possible: Changing your daily habits.

So you really have nothing to lose by taking a good look. After you read it, if you honestly don't think it provides you with the best healthy, natural, and permanent weight loss solution currently available, The author will refund your money, no questions asked. And you get to keep the book- and all the bonuses that come with it. That's how confident he is that finding a unique personal weight loss solution will be your best way to lose weight.

The Facts About Lap Band Surgery You Need To Consider

Lap Band surgery is becoming the number one solution to the overweight epidemic. There are over one billion people worldwide who carry excess weight and three hundred million of those are considered obese. It is an epidemic that affects all aspects of your life. From your psychological well being to your physical well being, being overweight complicates your life. If you have tried countless exercise programs and diets but have had no success, then it may be time to consider weight loss surgery options.

Lap band surgery is reporting great results. The Lap Band system is a much easier surgery and offers fewer complications than either the Biliopancreatic Diversion surgery or the laparoscopic Roux en Y surgery. There is generally less of a hospital stay and the Lap Band success ratio is extremely high, when compared to the previous types of weight loss surgeries.

If you have tried several of the traditional top 10 diets without success and you are considering the Lap Band procedure, then there are a few things you have to keep in mind. The first is that it will mean a dietary change for life. There are a number of do's and don'ts with this type of surgery. You have to constantly be mindful of what type of food you are placing in your body. Instead of three meals a day, you will most likely be eating small, three ounce meals, ten to twelve times daily.

The second thing to consider is that there are Lap Band complications. This will most likely occur in the first few weeks as patients try to learn and adapt to their low diet. Overfilling the stomach is the number one complication for most patients. They simply do not take into account that the stomach pouch is one-third the size it used to be. So there will not be any gorging at Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

The third thing to consider, post surgery, is that you still have to exercise. This is not some miracle cure that will happen overnight. You will still need to exercise in order to keep your heart and the rest of your bodily systems healthy. The surgery may work as a weight loss cure but you will still need to follow a diet and exercise regime.

The last factor to consider is that even with exercise you may still be facing plastic surgery after weight loss. You will be losing roughly half of your body weight. This is going to leave a lot of extra skin that you do not want hanging on your new figure. Lap Band surgery is a complete change of lifestyle, yet you will need to exercise and adhere to a special gastric bypass diet. But if you can stick to it, then you will be the weight you have always dreamed of.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Successful Ways to Lose Fat

Every day we see better and more innovative ways to lose fat. But how many of them are actually worth the effort? Some of them may seem too expensive while others don’t show quick results. Rather than just losing some pounds, you need to actually shed that fat mass which is stored beneath your skin as your reserve energy. We don’t actually need this energy now, as we have a very comfortable lifestyle and don’t have to worry about our food supply. So, let’s look at some ways to lose fat.

Since ancient ages, people have been trying to find that ultimate fat loss secret. In the process, many unhealthy habits developed in trying to lose fat. While it is still a common belief, you don’t need to start starving yourself to lose fat. In fact, cutting out on food in the wrong manner could actually lead you to put on more weight, as your body will actually start to store up any fat it does get. There are now so many better diet solutions that could help you to lose your unwanted fat.

A ketogenic diet is useful for rapid weight loss. This diet cuts off your carbohydrate foods for a specific time period before reviving it again using different variations – like you can make a shift from carb rich foods to protein rich foods and vice versa in a cyclic fashion or use targeted days when you eat carb rich foods and days when you don’t eat them at all! There are many other diets which you can use as well. Focusing your diet on foods that burn fat like high fiber breads, chicken, garlic, green beans, eggs, asparagus, cabbage, ball peppers, fresh juice and vegetables is always a good idea!

Intense workouts with plenty of water intake are the next method. There is no doubt that your metabolism increases with the increase in your daily activities. Regular and proper exercises are the way to beat the fat deposits that are holding onto your body. This will also give you an overall health improvement.

There are also natural ways to lose weight. For this you need to stick to a diet that is rich in complex carbohydrates, moderate in proteins, high in fiber and low in fat. With this you need to perform exercises that will build your muscles. You should also walk, run or do other cardio exercises for losing your fat. Make sure you keep track of the food you eat daily to calculate the calorie intake. In time, this technique works to kill the fat hidden in your body. Make sure that you get into a regular routine where you follow the natural weight loss method consistently.

Some studies have shown that hypnosis has helped in weight loss. This tool can help you in executing good diet plans as it gives you the needed will power to go through the entire schedule without cheating on it. Today there are also weight loss spas that help you lose weight while you vacation! They help you relax with massages, aromatherapy etc. while you lose your fat with their fat loss management techniques. Finally there are also fat loss supplements that act as dietary supplements to help you burn fat.

These are just a few of the ways you can lose fat. You can choose any of these methods and in extreme cases, even surgical fat removal is possible. However, you should choose cheaper, safer, and more natural home remedies whenever possible to get your self in shape again!

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

5 Steps for Quick Fat Loss Results

Have you been pursuing various diet plans without any fat loss results? Remember that most fat loss programs include dietary changes, which hardly work without corresponding changes in your lifestyle. For many of us leading sedentary lives, such changes may seem quite difficult to follow. Yes, it may be true that you can lose five pounds right away by only drinking water for an entire day, but these desperate measures don’t give you long lasting fat loss results. What you need to do is take steps that will ensure quick fat loss results that even others will be able to notice!

The first step is no doubt bringing about a change in your dietary pattern. Start out by eating less. Measure out your body weight in lbs and multiply it by 16. The resulting figure should be the amount of calories your body needs to sustain its current weight. Then cut down your calorie intake by 500 calories every day. If you do this, at the end of a week, you could lose one pound of fat. Be careful not to cut your calories too much though. Diets very low in calories are not easy to follow for long periods of time.

The second step is to start building muscle. Gaining muscle will help you to burn more calories throughout the day. So, make sure that your diet and exercise routine is designed to remove only fat not muscle from your system. For this you need to remember to get plenty of protein daily so that your body can build and maintain muscle. You should also eat every three hours and make sure that you don’t starve yourself and your muscles get the nutrients they need.

The third step is giving your body enough rest time. Getting around 7 – 9 hours of sleep each night is ideal. A loss of sleep sometimes triggers an increase in appetite. This in turn means a loss of metabolism rate in the body. Making sure your body has plenty of rest will also help you have more energy to exercise everyday. Obviously, the more you can exercise, the more fat you can lose.

The fourth step is to get tons of exercise like swimming, jogging, sports and such things that will help you burn more calories than what you consume. Try to reduce your rest periods while doing work outs. This will help you increase your metabolism. Only then can you see fat loss results. Make sure you choose exercises that you enjoy since it will be easier to stick with them.

Finally, the fifth step is to try and keep the self confidence that you need to retain throughout the plan. Sticking to the plan may not seem as easy as you thought. However, if you keep looking at the results you’ve already achieved at periodic intervals, you are sure to get the required boost to carry on.

These are 5 easy steps you can follow to see fat loss results. The majority of these steps are all geared towards increasing your metabolism rate in order to strip off excess body fat. If you keep following them, you’ll soon have the body you’ve always wanted.

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.