Sunday, October 26, 2008

Top Weight Loss Site

Easy Weight Loss For Teens

Weight loss plans for teens are rare. Most people think that overweight teens will usually get over it, but what they don’t realize is that teens have to go through ridicule and embarrassment among their peers. Parents treat this issue lightly and teens suffer through the process. If you are a teen who is trying to lose weight, then I encourage you to read on.

I know how you must feel right now with your weight. You are ashamed. You keep yourself isolated. You don’t have many friends and when you do, they treat you like crap. You cannot fit into nice clothes that your friends wear and you feel left out. Boys don’t take a second look at you. You are the talk of the school and they snicker behind your back.

However, don’t feel as if there is no help, because there is. You need to grab this article and let your parent or parents read this for themselves. Here are some tips that will boost your confidence and give you hope.

You are probably wondering how Jessica Simpson lose weight and I want you to dream that you are Jessica, because you will get to that point where you feel comfortable about who you are.


Fast Weight Loss Tips

With your parent’s help, you can set goals that are realistic - You have to get serious about changing your situation and the first thing to do is to set a goal of how much weight you want to lose. Don’t say 30 pounds in 10 days when you know that you are not disciplined enough to do that right away. Start with 2 pounds per week or even 1 pound. This is more realistic and you won’t feel too bad if you don’t’ meet your goal for one week. You will be less motivated if you set a goal that is unreachable. Keep a weight loss progress chart so you can see how you are doing.

Begin to prepare for your weight loss regime – NO JUNK FOOD. This is the main problem causing your over weight. Try to begin slowly changing your diet gradually. Instead of chocolate, eat some fruit.

Instead of a burger for lunch, eat a salad. Drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Some of the foods to eat to lose weight are alkaline foods. The body is generally acidic and when you eat foods high in acid, it compounds the problem and bloats you up. Alkaline foods flush out the acid from your body. You can find a list of alkaline foods online by searching for “alkaline diet.”

Pat yourself on the back - When you get to a weekly goal that suits you, go out and buy something tangible (not food) that will make you feel good. You should know what you like. Treat yourself for being good.

A Healthy Breakfast is key – It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip breakfast, you are going to want to eat all the junk food that you can lay your hands on at lunch time. Make sure you wake up early and fix a healthy and large breakfast. That will keep you until lunch and you don’t have to snack.

Yes, Exercise is important – I know you want to avoid this part of the plan, but some form of exercise is essential. Do something that you like. For example, if you like to bike, skating, hike, or walk, go ahead and choose the one that suits you. There is no set rule that you have to go to the gym.

Get enough sleep – 7 – 8 Hours of sleep each night is another essential item in your plan. Your body functions better with the right amount of sleep. Sleep helps your body to adjust to your weight loss plan.


Top Weight Loss Site

Following these easy ways to lose weight will give you a good start to your goal. Get your mind ready to shed the pounds like many other teens are doing and showing success. I have the most successful weight loss plans for teens on my website.

If you are saying, Yes, I want to lose weight, put me on this successful plan, then go to the top weight loss plans for teens.

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