Monday, October 6, 2008

Drink Water To Lose Weight

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By Jim Nettleton

Okay, what’s one of the most important, but very frequently overlooked items in your weight loss program – or programs, if you’ve tried several?

One word: water. Yes, water.

Water plays an essential role in any weight loss program for several reasons. First, it aids digestion and assists in elimination. Even more importantly, drinking a regular supply of water throughout your day will ensure the fact that your body is consistently well hydrated. This, of course, aids in all facets of maintaining efficient body functions. The importance of water to a weight loss program cannot be overstated.

Now, let’s talk about carbohydrates. They are the little rascals that give us energy and, as such, they are highly important as you try to lose weight. But you must bear in mind that not all carbohydrates are created equal. Some are a positive influence on your diet, but others are not.

For example, simple carbohydrates like sugar can, indeed, supply a shot of energy. Sugar enters the bloodstream quickly, but acts more like a hit and run quick cure than a sustained level of energy than can be realized by consuming the complex carbohydrates, like vegetables, fruits and grains. The complex variety also has the benefit of ‘filling you up’, thereby staving off hunger for a longer period.

In the American lifestyle, too many people are eating far too many simple carbohydrates, due in large part to our dependence on junk foods. So in your diet regimen, make certain you spurn the simples and consume the complex. Not only are they far better for you in general, but eating more of them will assist you in your weight loss program.

Proteins are next on the agenda. As you probably know, proteins are constructed of amino acids, which are sometimes referred to as the building blocks of the body. Proteins not only assist in repairing and maintaining the body, but are also a significant source of energy. Energy from protein, however, is slower to manifest itself – considerably slower than energy derived from carbohydrates – so don’t fall into the trap of consuming simple carbohydrates for that quick energy boost. Be patient.

Another source of energy are foods containing fats. Fats, too, are a quick energy booster, but they also contain calories galore and have well-documented health risks as well, so you’d be well advised to shun them – not entirely, of course, but keep intake to a minimum.

Expanding further on the minimum intake thought, it is recommended that you eat no more than 30% of your daily calorie total in fats. It doesn’t hurt to lower that more – that is a maximum suggested percentage.

In summation, wean yourself from simple carbohydrates like sugar and concentrate on eating the complex carbohydrates that you need, like vegetables, fruits and grain. Make certain that you get enough fiber in your diet. If you haven’t been eating enough fiber, don’t boost your total all at once. That could lead to considerable discomfort. Raise your intake slowly, over a week or more, until you reach the recommended level.

Make certain that your diet is well balanced and nutritious. And to assist you further, take vitamin and mineral supplements, but be sure they’re good quality and, preferably, liquid. Liquid vitamins and minerals are absorbed more readily and, as a result, your body receives more of their potency. Ideally, intravenous delivery is the way to go, a method practiced by my friends at the Cherry Hill Center For Molecular Medicine in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. They can be reached at 856-490-0505.

Good luck with your weight loss program.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio & TV professional with over 40 years of major market experience. His wide range of interests include nutrition and working with natural health clinics for many years. He recommends the diet program Fat Loss 4 Idiots - click this link Check out his comprehensive diet site at

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