Monday, October 27, 2008

Lap Band Surgery - is it Right for Me?

The Lap Band procedure may be unfamiliar to you. Lap Band surgery is a recent weight loss option that has many people excited about how much weight they can potentially shed. If you are significantly overweight and meet the surgery requirements, then it may be the ideal weight loss option for you. However, before you agree to use the Lap Band system you have to be informed of all the requirements and nutritional guidelines associated with the surgery. It is successful if it is combined with the right diet and exercise program. You will lose the weight.

In June of 2001, the Lap Band surgery option was approved for use in the United States. The Lap Band system works by using an adjustable gastric band to make a small stomach pouch, thus partitioning off the rest of the stomach. The band can be tightened or loosened depending on the weight loss stage. With a smaller stomach, one that can only hold about two to four ounces of food, you will fill up quicker and become apathetic to eating more. You simply will not feel the urge to eat more because of the full feeling.

During the procedure, Lap Band patients are given general anesthesia. The next step is for the bariatric surgeon to make five two to three inch incisions in the abdomen. These small incisions allow the doctor to work with a scope rather than being forced to make a larger incision. The smaller incisions mean that there is less recovery time and the healing process is much faster than with past, invasive, weight loss cure surgeries.

After the lap band procedure is finished you will be wheeled into a recovery room. The expected hospital stay is only two to three days depending on how well you recover. After you have awakened from the anesthesia and are coherent there will be a visit from a nutritionist. You will have to follow their rules. There will be many changes in your dietary lifestyle that are important in order for you to stay healthy and lose weight.

You need to prepare for your lifestyle to change forever. You have to make fundamental changes in order to maintain weight loss and keep yourself healthy. This means being mindful of what you eat and how often you eat. There will be some foods that you previously loved that will be off limits to you. You have to concentrate on the quality of the food you eat, as well as the quantity. So throw away those empty calories and put more protein into your diet. It also means that caffeine is a definite thing you must avoid.

Hopefully, with dietary changes and exercise, you will be one of the Lap Band patients to enjoy tremendous success. No longer will you be ashamed of being overweight. The Lap Band surgery will truly change your life if you follow the regime of your doctor and nutritionist.

All surgery comes with a risk so its always advisable to exhaust all other avenues first. Try a diet plan that has a proven track record and as reached the top 10 diet chart.

Learn more about the Top 10 Diets as an alternative to lap band surgery by clicking here.

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