Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lose Belly Fat By Eating More Slowly

It may be a shock to you that consuming less quickly than normal can seriously alter how much you weigh. When you aim to lose excess fat you really must listen to this.

When it takes longer to eat your food, the less stuff you will have to have to feel satisfied. Here are a few ways to aid you release from the bad routine of hurrying your meals and thus eating too much.

Chew each mouthful more times before you actually send it to your belly. The added seconds that you take to chew also helps you to feel more contented without having to have such a large quantity. By doing this you also help the digestion of the food.

What until you have swallowed the load you are chewing before getting another ready. An easy way of doing this is to put your fork on your plate and wait until you complete eating your current mouthful. It is is a great tactic to lose excess fat because it shows 50% of the fight is in the mind.

Eating too much, from eating too quickly, is just a routine that has to be broken. An example is the French who in addition to eating less take time over it too. They keep off the weight from two methods.

Also, Europeans eat their meals with the entire family a lot of the time. So, more conversation develops to help with slowing the eating rate. Also it's a time to improve inter-family relationships..

You will realise that once you start eating a little less quickly you will actually start to enjoy the meals much more. You have more chance to really savour your food.

Your body needs a little time after eating to inform you it has had its fill. Many people overeat when they eat too fast simply because they believe they are still hungry. Only eat until you feel satisfied not until you're full to the top.

Control Servings to Control Your Weight

Portion and serving control is an important part of losing weight. Once you cut out all of that extra food, you will find your fat loss greatly improved. Here are some tips that you can use to make sure that your meals and snacks are just the right size.


Plate Patrol


Your plate can be the key to overeating and portion control.

Larger plates allow you to fill up on more food. Using a smaller plate is a great way to keep your portions under control. The smaller plate only allows for smaller portions, so you eat less.

While you are filling that smaller plate, remember to fill it in thirds: one-third vegetable, one-third high fiber bread or pasta, and one-third lean meat product.


 Censored Servings

If you find yourself snacking throughout the day and into the night, there is help for your serving situations. The key is to avoid temptations. Remember, losing weight fast depends on not overeating and controlling your portions:

·        Stay away from vending machines.

·        Keep snack foods in cupboards and out of sight.

·        Don’t keep a candy dish in your home or office.

·        Similarly, don’t keep a bowl of chips around during TV watching.

·        Buy a very limited amount of snacks and put them in single serving baggies. Limit yourself to one a day.

·        Don’t buy large bags of any kind of snack food. Look for single servings or “fun” sized servings and only eat one.

Just making these few changes can have a dramatic impact on your health, diet, and weight. If you really want to see rapid weight loss results, combine these techniques with a professionally certified exercise plan, like the one in this No Nonsense Muscle Building review. Within just a week or two you'll see your body change. A combination of exercise and diet improvements is the most powerful way to lose weight known to man!


The Obesity Epidemic - How To Burn The Fat!

Ever since obesity has been named as an epidemic, it has attracted attention throughout the globe.

In America weight loss has become an industry. Fans of diet plans make claims of how much weight you may lose and how fast you will shed the pounds.The latest weight loss product is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots you may have notced the hype for this one is spiralling out of control!

Some go to the limit of saying that you will lose up to 10-12 lbs in a week while medical professionals warn that such claims are ludicrous and weight reduction of such proportions can come about just by losing water which is damaging to the system. Likewise there's always the risk of gaining weight just as fast when you stop working on the plan. Essentially all these plans boil down to some basics.

The body's weight is made a contribution by fat, muscles, bones and water. Here's what you should do...increase metabolism so that excess fat can be burnt off ; burn off the fat that is stored in the body by exercises and fat burning food. But don't starve the body of the necessary nutrients. There's no clear definition of "fad diet" ; it is terribly subjective. Trend diet is popularly reputedly a poor weight reduction diet. A trend diet often becomes awfully well-liked extraordinarily quickly and falls out of favor just as quickly. Regularly promoted by parties that publish books about the diet or those that sell some additions or ingredients that are part of the trend diet, a trend diet may not achieve anything at all or at times may have an inauspicious effect on health.

The natural diet plan relies on use of food voters that are routinely in your diet ; it advises some of the voters as being useful and some others as being dangerous from the perspective of weight reduction. As an example, it may recommend certain fish like Sardines, herrings, etc as providing advantageous Omega three greasy acids or may counsel use of lean meat but not others such as pork ; it may endorse low-fat skimmed milk but not the ordinary fresh milk.For an alternative method take a look at my fat loss 4 idiots review and prepare to get the full skinny on losing weight.

Overcoming Emotional Eating to Lose Weight

Overcoming emotional eating can help you lose weight faster than ever before. Even those stubborn pounds will melt away. It’s all about re-training yourself and your relationship with food.

Portion Control

Because emotional eating strives on emotion and not logic, you’ll have to incorporate safe guards to control you when your logic can’t. A good way to do this is to divide foods into portions before you get the urge to go on an eating jag.

As soon as you get home from the market, divide any bulk items into separate serving zipper bags. Bulk items include chips, cookies, crackers, etc.

If you have a problem with going back for seconds, thirds, and fourths, buy pre-packaged meals that only contain one serving per meal.

Eating Buddy

Many people who live with emotional eating find that having an eating buddy can be a blessing. Ask someone you trust, like a spouse or roommate, to be there for you when you feel yourself going out of control.

When you find yourself plunging into that tub of ice cream, ask for help. Saying something simple and funny like, “Honey, can you take this ice cream away from me before I put a hole in the bottom,” can lighten your mood and give you a signal to stop eating. Since you started the intervention, you won’t feel defensive or hurt when your buddy takes action.

One of the biggest things you can do for yourself is to find ways to control emotional eating. You just need to admit that you have a problem and find a trusted soul to help you on your journey to wellness. If exercising a little discipline isn't enough by itself, get on a formal diet plan like this Fatloss4idiots review - the habits you have cultivated will complement the plan for guaranteed results. Either way, take action - your body, health, and waistline will thank you.

Fast Healthy Weight Loss Through Detoxification

What many dieticians recommend is to gradually shed excess pounds using a long term weight loss diet. Loosing excess weight too rapidly in general can be considered as dangerous and this is not really recommended. Furthermore, losing weight quickly often means gaining it all back again later on. However, we all like to look our best when wearing a bikini on vacation or attending an important social function such as a wedding. If you really intend to lose around seven or more pounds and lose them safely for your next vacation or holiday, then you can actually do it without compromising your health.

Knowing More About The Monotrophic Diet

The monotrophic diet is a fast health weight loss plan that anyone can try. This type of diet basically lets you consume only a single type of fruit per meal over the course of one week. For example you could eat apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. On the monotrophic fast healthy weight loss diet you are allowed to eat as much fruit as it takes to feel full. This diet plan appeals to anybody who loves to eat fruit. Nevertheless, the monotrophic diet isn't quite as easy as it sounds. Because you are not allowed to consume toxins such as the caffeine commonly found in coffee and chocolate, your body will go into withdrawal. Consequently you may feel tired and suffer from headaches. There are a lot of difficulties with completing this fast healthy weight loss diet, however in the end it will be good for you as it provides the body cells the change to eliminate unhealthy toxins and be able to replace them with higher quality nutrients.

Knowing More About The Fiber Diet

Another fast healthy weight loss diet involves eating nothing but fiber for a week. High fiber foods include certain fruits and vegetables. Grains, pasta, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds are also foods that generally have high fiber content. This kind of fast healthy weight loss diet works because the human body cannot digest fiber. Therefore the body tries to eliminate the fiber as quickly as possible by stimulating the colon so that you expel waste more rapidly and frequently. This action also works to cleanse the colon which indicates that it is actuallu good for you. You will need to increase your water intake during a high fiber diet to avoid dehydration that can be caused by the frequent elimination of waste.

Do Not Go To Extremes

The two types of fast weight loss diets recommended above should not be used for extended durations of time. The human body needs fat, protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals if it is to function normally. Staying on a fast healthy weight loss diet for too long causes malnourishment and this can lead to serious health problems.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting Results Using Online Diet Generators

Recently there have been numerous online diet generating websites coming online.Are these websites helpful in losing weight?That's the question we're going to answer.In this brief post we're going to look at how online diet generators work, exactly how difficult the programs are to follow, and what type of results you can expect to have.

Exactly What is an Online Diet Generator

There are two main types of diet generators, the first will follow a popular diet very closely such as the Atkins diet, the second actually custom generates a diet or meal plan for you based on your selections from a preset food list.

A popular example of the first type of online diet generator is eDiets, their website helps you follow popular diets like the Mediterranean or Atkins 100% on the Internet. While a program that will generate a custom diet for you would Fat Loss 4 Idiots. You can read our detailed Fat Loss 4 idiots diet review here..

Are they Difficult to Stick to?

One of the great things about online diet generators is that all the information you need is available at your finger tips online.It's as simple as logging into the site and checking what you should be eating for dinner or grab a quick recipe for tonight's supper.

Today there are a lot of Internet savvy folks, so using an online diet generator is probably the simplest way to lose belly fat.One tip, don't get weighted down in the details because there is a lot of information available, be sure you take action.

What type of Results are Expected?

This is where the differences end, an online diet takes every bit as much discipline to follow as an offline diet. The results you can expect to get are directly related to how closely you follow the program.

If you decide to be lax, or have a difficult time eating exactly as you're supposed to then you will struggle not just with an online diet generator but any diet you try to follow. There is no substitute for discipline when it comes to weight loss.

Does the Hollywood Cookie Diet work?

To be honest, it depends on what your definition of “work” is. As most of us realize, the ONLY way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit. We have to use up more calories than we consume.

That leaves us with two options: Diet and weight loss products that “work” by helping us with creating a calorie deficit- and those that can't ever work because they don’t do anything. Let’s get started with diet pills, then move on to popular diet plans. So do diet pills really work? Again, it all depends. Some are powerful stimulants that will artificially boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite. Others are nothing more than a mix of fiber or useless herbs, these are the ones that don't do anything- except lighten you wallet. However,  an appetite suppressant can help you create a calorie deficit, if it’s strong enough.

So then, do diet drugs really work for weight loss? Only if you like the idea of being constantly filled with powerful stimulants for weeks or months. I would encourage you to research some of the side effects of strong stimulants. Then you have to ask yourself this question: If I did not keep the weight off before I went on that stimulant pill, why would I be able to keep weight off after I stopped using it? Something to consider.

Next up, does ANY main stream diet or weight loss plan really work- permanently?

For example, does the South Beach Diet REALLY work? If it creates a calorie deficit for you, yes it will work. You will burn fat.


Extensive research from UCLA has shown that people on popular did lose weight, but within two years 83% had gained back more weight than lost. Their research concluded individuals who did not go on a diet, were better off from a health standpoint than those who did.

If you need more proof, just look at the facts:  Nearly seven out of ten Americans are overweight or obese while spending forty billion dollars annually on fat loss products. Think about that, if any main stream weight loss plan worked permanently- would so many people still be overweight?

So rather than ask yourself: Does the South Beach Diet really work? Does the Hollywood Diet work? Does any fad diet really work? Or do "crash" diets work? Ask yourself: How can I REALLY lose weight?

If you answered “I need to create a small daily calorie deficit,” you’ve taken the first step towards becoming a weight loss success story. Using more calories than consumed can only happen one way: You have to change your old weight gain habits over to better weight loss habits.

If you can do that on your own, that’s awesome. If you can’t, there are books that can help. I failed at losing weight for thirty years. Over those 30 years, I lost and gained back over 300 pounds. I tried a diet shortcut or two. And yes, I wondered; do weight loss pills or fad diets really work? I was temped to see if there was a shortcut to lose weight.

In the end, the only weight loss "system" that worked for me was the one I put together myself with the help of an e-manual called New Body New Life. It taught me how to see my weight gain habits, and most importantly, it taught me how to change them over to weight loss habits.

As mentioned, if you can recognize and change your habits on your own, that’s all you need to do for safe and natural permanent weight loss. The amount of money and time you’ll save by avoiding weight loss scams will be huge.

On a very interesting side note, when you change those habits, it will give you the self confidence to do whatever else you put your mind to. So even if some diet shortcut like Hydroxycut really did work- it can’t give you what changing your habits does:

A whole new level of self respect, confidence, and discipline. And most important the knowledge of how to keep weight off for the rest of your life.

Get Trim Fast – The Right Way

You might be wondering how you’ll ever going to fit into that wedding dress or tryout for the sports team if you don't get trim fast. The answer to your dilemma is really simple – discipline. There might be countless weight loss programs out there, but if you can’t stick to one program then you’ll never get trim fast. Here are some tips to make you slimmer in no time at all.

How do I know what food I should and shouldn’t eat?

While it is true that you need to eat in smaller amounts to get trim quickly, you also have to remember that watching out on the foods you eat is also of equal importance. Since our diet consists mainly of carbohydrates, you must take into consideration its source – is it a good or bad source? Examples of bad sources of carbohydrates are those foods that are sweetened like candy, pies, donuts, and white bread. It would be a great idea to substitute these foods with complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal. In brief, you should hold back on the sugar if you want to get trim fast.

You should keep in mind that not all calories in foods are the same. The calories that are found in French fries are not necessarily the same with the calories found in lean meat. The difference is that French fries are a bad source for your caloric needs – it makes you even fatter and contributes to countless health problems. The calories in lean meat, however, can be converted into energy by our bodies. That’s how important it is to distinguish the source of calories in foods that we eat – good choices will help you get trim quicker.

Also, drinking adequate amounts of water is a great way to make you slimmer. Sometimes, a simple case of thirstiness might be mistaken for hunger – all you really need is a glass of water. So, if you want to get trim fast, drinking a glass of water helps compensate the amount of food you take in at each meal. In this way, it’ll help in appetite suppression and get you that slimmer built that you always wanted.

A good technique to help you identify the proper amount of water you should drink is to divide your weight (pounds) by 2. For example, your weight is 200 pounds; by dividing this by 2 you’ll get an answer of 100. 100 is the number of ounces of water you should drink – about 12 glasses. Just remember to drink enough amounts of water to help you get trim in a hurry.

How much time should I allocate for exercising?

It is often advised that a person should at least spend 30 minutes of exercise every day. But, if you want to get trim fast, you should double the amount of time you spend to exercise. Some studies show that overweight people who spend as much as an hour each day for five days a week to exercise were able to attain (and maintain) a slimmer built by 10% of their body weights. But those people who spend less than the usual amount of time exercising found themselves having a rough time continuing to any measures of weight loss.

This tells you that a simple use of the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to a convenience store doesn’t entirely get you as trim as you want. Unless you really exert effort on activities that would make you sweat a lot, there would be greater chance to lose that extra weight. You really don’t need to go to the gym – jogging or brisk walking in your neighborhood would be sufficient to some people to get trim more quickly.

Should there be other things I need to know?

Sufficient amounts of sleep should be part of your weight loss regimen. Since lack of sleep could get you cranky and exhausted the entire day, there would be more tendencies for you to eat more. You need to establish a lifestyle that would accommodate enough sleeping hours; so that you’ll be energetic the next day. Before you know it, you’ll have that slimmer figure you always dreamt of.

Find out more about this subject at http://www.stripthatfat.com/

A Motivational Weight Loss Success Story

Motivational weight loss

The first thing I must admit is this: I’d never imagined becoming a real weight loss success story. I failed at losing weight more than times over 30 years. Sometimes I would succeed at a diet loss plan for a about two days.  A few times I was a “weight loss success story” for about 3 months.

However, at age 50, I finally got it down. Now I’m going to tell you how to become a natural weight loss success story too. Sorry, no Jenny Craig allowed.

First I share what you need to do, then I share the most important part: How to permanently lose weight.

Step: 1 Get honest. You must honestly recognize the habits you need to fix. If you refuse to see them, you can’t change them. I know this sounds simple, but you'd be surprised how many of us wreck our futures by refusing to take an honest look at what we do every day when it comes to caring for our precious health.

Step 2: Don't eat processed foods. You never put anything in a car you’re going to get rid of someday besides gas because you know you’d totally riun it. Then why would you put things in your ONE AND ONLY body it was never designed to use for fuel?

Step 3: Get moving. What's the number 1 factor in longevity? Aerobic capacity. Your heart and lungs need to be challenged. The same goes for your body's muscles. Your body ages a lot quicker without use. You will rust out long before you will wear out.

Step 4: Take some kind of healthy and positive action. You have to get started doing something right NOW. It does not matter what it is. A little "something" is always better than nothing. Nothing is your greatest enemy in life. Nothing will take away everything, faster than anything.

Action is the true key. Taking action will reveal where you need to change things. It takes one main thing to have a personal weight loss success story: Changing unhealthy habits over to healthy ones. Nothing else works. This is why diet products don't work and never will: Even if they are for "real" they don't help you change your habits permanently. They are acting as a weight loss shortcut for you.

Don't make this more complicated than necessary. To succeed, just eat right and challenge yourself physically. I repeat, it all about changing the poor habits that make you gain weight over to healthy habits that are PROVEN to make you lose it.

Here's my most useful helpful weight loss success tip: You must have a thought ready that is stronger than the bad habit that is tempting you. It doesn't matter what that thought is, all that matters is that it works when you need it. It could be something as simple as thinking you want to be around to see your grand-babies. I repeat, it just has to be a thought [or thoughts] that are strong enough for you.

Perhaps you can find a motivational weight loss story that had special meaning to you. Other helpful weight loss stories might hold just the thought you need. Honest, sincere and inspirational weight loss stories are all over the Internet.

My personal weight loss journey transformed my life and future. As much as I hate to admit it, I got fat and lazy. Now, when most people see my picture, they think it's fake! They just can't believe a fifty year has a body that looks 25. The truth is, I didn't do one special thing. Like I said, I never thought I’d be considered a motivational weight loss story.

All I did was find some thoughts that were more powerful that my old habits. Then every day, I ate right and exercised. In a few short months, I felt just like I did when I was in my twenties. It really wasn't hard or complicated. I never went hungry or deprived myself. My first, and most important step- was giving up junk food. Then I started a sensible exercise plan.

Successful weight loss is 99% mental. All you need to do is find a motivator that is powerful enough for you- and then take action.

How To Avoid That Your Body Is Going Into Starvation Mode

Are you waiting for the weight loss silver bullet? For the next super duper miracle food that claims you will lose weight and yet you won't have to do anything, even better - you are allowed to eat everything you want? Well there is and will be no silver bullet. All the diets and weight loss supplements are only there to help you with losing weight. The general rule for losing weight is as simple as it can get. Eat less (junk food) and start exercising.

When looking for the right diet plan the only thing that needs to bother you is, to find one that will reduce your calorie intake to a limit where you are losing weight, but at the same time your body gets a balanced nutrition with enough calories so it doesn't go into starvation mode.

Everyone knows that you will lose weight by reducing the calorie intake. But if you are limiting the intake too much, your body will go into survival mode. If you are usually eating around 2000 calories a day and all of the sudden you reduce it to 500 calories, your body will think that you are starving. Your metabolism will slow down and you will lose weight very slow at best. If you are one of those that have reduced their calorie intake, but you don't lose weight, you have to actually increase your food intake.

In most cases this can be avoided by simply changing the foods you are eating. You should be eating lots of raw or steamed vegetables and fruits. Combine these with a moderate amount of lean protein.

A simple rule of thumb is: Eat foods that are available naturally (fruits, vegetables, soy, nuts) and avoid foods that are man made (like baked foods, canned foods, pastries and the like).

If you follow this simple rule then you will reduce your calorie intake naturally and lose weight.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Reading Food Labels For Your Health

Normal 0

By Jim Nettleton

Most people, especially in the United States, are confused when it comes to judging portions of food. For instance, how much is 5 or 6 portions of vegetables and fruit, what constitutes a portion of red meat, etc. Most Americans would probably be surprised that what they think is one portion is quite possibly much more than that. If you are seriously watching what you eat and how much you eat, investing in a food scale is probably a good idea. Some of the high-end scales are capable of keeping a running total of your intake.

The first step in getting your eating habits in order, however, should be reading the labels on the foods you’re considering buying. Check the serving size mentioned, which is usually at the top of the label. Bear in mind that these figures are derived from averages and are not written in stone, but they do provide an overall guide that is useful. The serving size is what determines the level of nutrients delivered by that particular food, so it becomes a simple matter of addition to find out how much of a given nutrient you’ll consume if you eat more than one serving.

Below the serving size is a breakdown of the percentage of various nutrients, including the calories, fat, saturated fat, mono unsaturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and so on. The percentage of the recommended daily allowance of each of these items is listed on the right hand side of the label. The percentages listed express a relationship to the recommended caloric intake for an individual of two thousand calories.

Obviously, what we’re looking for is the highest nutritional value combined with the lowest caloric content and lowest fat totals. Remember, however, that calories in themselves are not evil. The body needs them constantly. It’s excess calories that are the culprit. Likewise, the body needs fat, as long as the totals are not overboard. You can find many related tips on maintaining and losing weight at my diet website. You can go there through the link in my resource box below.

The main purpose in studying the food labels on the groceries we buy is to control our overall diet balance and supply our bodies with the well rounded food intake that will help our systems run efficiently and healthily. I’ve known several people who keep a daily log of foods they buy and eat. A couple of them have the data entered into a spread sheet so that they can create an ongoing graph of their eating habits.

That might be taking it a bit too far, but it could be a smart idea when you’re just starting out trying to organize and control your eating habits. Take a notebook along when shopping or, for those who are more high-tech oriented, a Blackberry or other hand held device, and keep careful notes on label information and everything you buy.

Once you develop the habit of evaluating what you buy and eat, it will become second nature, much to your overall health’s benefit. The old adage, “we are what we eat” certainly applies in today’s world. Americans in particular are gaining weight at a frighteningly rapid pace. The scariest aspect of that trend is that it is present in large degree in the young. It is a trend that needs to be stopped quickly if the future health of the population as a whole is to be protected.

So let’s make a start be reading those labels carefully and take a step in the right diet direction. Here’s to good, healthy eating.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio and TV professional with wide-ranging interests. Visit his all- inclusive diet website at http://www.jaynetinc.com/LoseWeight.

Eat Slowly To Aid Your Diet

Normal 0

By Jim Nettleton

There are many little tricks you can use to help yourself in your weight loss quest. For example, did you realize that slowing down your eating speed can have a positive effect in a diet? It’s true, but it’s an underutilized method that can be an important part of any dieting effort.

The more time you take to eat, the less food you’ll need to eat in order to satisfy your hunger. Here are some tips that can help break a bad habit of eating too rapidly, which can lead to eating too much food and, as a result, sabotaging your good intentions.

First of all, wait until you’ve finished the food you’re chewing before loading up that utensil again. It helps to physically put down your spoon or fork while you’re chewing what’s in your mouth. This sounds simple, but it’s a very effective technique.

Another simplistic sounding technique is to chew your food a little longer before finally swallowing. This accomplishes two things; it helps you digest food better and also allows you to feel more satisfied because of the additional time that it takes you to chew. As a result, you won’t need as large a quantity of food.

These simple techniques will help you break the habit of over eating because of consuming food too fast. The majority of us in this country probably all eat too fast. Other countries dine more leisurely than we. For example, even though the typical French diet is richer than ours, their method of eating brings balance to their diets. As a rule, they eat smaller portions but take a lot longer to eat their food than we do. This practice helps them to stay slim.

It’s a matter of getting yourself in the habit of slowing down. Once you do start eating a little slower, chances are you will enjoy your food a lot more. It will give you more time to savor and enjoy the tastes in your food.

Let’s not forget a simple rule that will help with our efforts to lose weight. Remember that your body does not react immediately to let you know you’ve had enough. It takes a little while following your meal for the body to signal that it needs no more. As a result, many of us overeat if we eat too fast, sort of blowing right by the stop sign. We feel that we are still hungry. So adopt this rule; never eat until you are full. The smart thing to do is eat until you feel comfortable that you have had enough. Don’t wait for your body to put up that stop sign.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio & TV professional with over 40 years of major market experience. His wide range of interests include nutrition and working with natural health clinics for many years. He recommends the diet program Fat Loss 4 Idiots - click this link http://tinyurl.com/yog3jr Check out his comprehensive diet site at


Spotting diet scams

Spotting health scams

Spotting fat burner, diet, diet pill, and weight loss scams is very simple. Permanent weight loss can only work one way: You have to use up more calories than you consume. This is the ONLY thing that works. This makes spotting diet related heath scams very. If the diet pill or weight loss ad you’re reading fails to mention that FACT, your weight loss scam detector should sound the alarm.

So do diet pills or fat burners really work? Instead of looking at the sellers claims, let’s look at the facts: Some diet pills are nothing more than fiber or common herbs. These are total diet product, weight loss, or fat burner scams that do nothing.

How do some diet pills work? By filling the body with powerful stimulants. Stimulants will speed up your metabolism- the rate at which the body burns fuel to create energy- and suppress the appetite. That’s why you don’t see very many overweight cocaine addicts. Do note: I am not comparing people that take diet pills to drug addicts, nor am I saying that diet pills are going to lead to drug abuse. What I am saying is that the principal is the same. If you take a drug to stimulate your metabolism, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. That’s why they’re called stimulants.

The plan is for that stimulant pill to speed up your natural metabolism and create a larger calorie deficit. Fat is your body’s reserve fuel tank. You can speed up that metabolism all day long, and unless more calories are used than consumed, those fat reserves will never be tapped into. Also, all you’re doing is trying to get a pill to do what you were designed to do: Speed up your metabolisms by being active. Pills are shortcuts. You need to learn how to lose weight on your own. A stimulant pill will prevent you from learning how.

Do you honestly think it’s best to be filled with artificial stimulants for weeks or months? Do you think a chemical shortcut is better and healthier than creating a natural calorie deficit through your own efforts? And consider this: If you couldn’t keep the weight off before you started taking a pill, why would you be able to keep it off after you stop taking it?

Be totally with yourself here.

The only safe, natural, and permanent way to lose weight is to slowly take it off by creating a small daily calorie deficit. I know what you're thinking: “But their ad said it was safe and all natural. They promised there were no side effects. They had dozens of testimonials from satisfied customers.” Of course that’s what they’re going to say. They’re trying to sell you something. I’m very sure they said something similar about Fen Phen before it was pulled off the market for causing heart valve problems.

Once again, look at the FACTS: Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese while spending 40 billion dollars annually on fat loss products. Think about that, if any advertised fast weight loss system worked permanently- would so many people still be overweight?

So what does that fact tell you? It tells you how to easy it is to spot a weight loss or diet scam, because weight loss failures are everywhere.

And why is the Internet full of fat loss and diet pill scams? Just follow the money. It’s easier to tell people they can burn fat or lose weight with no effort than it is to tell them the truth. The truth is, you don’t need any diet products to lose weight. Weight loss short cuts are either a total scam, or they only make it harder for you to  learn how to permanently keep excess weight off.

You can learn more losing weight safely and naturally at www.MyNewBodyNewLife.com

Friday, September 26, 2008

Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss solution

I know this may sound rather annoying, but I lose body fat kind of as a pastime. I’ve gotten so good at it, that sometimes I do it just for fun.

However, I want you to know I couldn’t always do this. I failed at permanent fat loss for over 30 plus years. However, now that I know how simple it is to lose weight permanently- once you know how- I’m filled with permanent fat loss success advice.

So here’s my can't lose tips for permanent fat loss:

To get started, just forget diet and weight loss products. These are guaranteed to waste your time and money when it comes to permanent weight loss success. If you need proof, just look at the facts:  Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese while spending forty billion dollars every year on weight loss products.

What more proof do you need?

Permanent weight loss is a skill you need to learn. It’s sort of like learning how to ride a bike. It’s a little awkward at first, but once you go through the trial and error to learn how, fat loss success becomes simple- and you know how to permanently keep weight off for as long as you choose .

Here's the only key to permanent weight loss:

There is only ONE permanent fat loss solution: You have to use more calories than you eat. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. Anybody that tells you anything different is only out for your money. 

You probably already knew that. Most people know what they should do. So then why do so many people fail- no matter how many permanent weight loss ideas, techniques, or secrets they hear about? They simply refuse to do what actually works.

That brings us to the the real “secret” to permanent fat loss:

You have to shift your habits from bad ones that are causing you to gain weight over to better habits that cause you to drop it. That’s it. However, that is where everyone drops the ball. They either try weight loss short cuts that can’t work permanently- like diets, pills, patches, etc. Or they do what works, but they give up before their new weight loss habits have time to work permanently.

Permanent fat loss can be made simple, IF we just take the time to learn what works for us when it comes to changing our habits. Remember, nothing else will work. So if you want to lose fat naturally and permanently, you need to learn how to do it the way it works for you. NOT the way it works for the fitness professional on TV. I finally lost all the weight I wanted at fifty years old. I am not athletic. I never starved myself. You can see my results here. No, I didn't paste my head on someone eles's body.

Allow me to give you an example. It took me 3 months to give up the habit of drinking cola. But since I was looking for a permanent weight loss solution, I knew those sodas  had to go. So I had to work on that habit. First I stopping keeping Pepsi in the house. Then I cut back to smaller amounts when eating out. Then I said only on weekends. Then I quit cold turkey. Now, I can’t stand the taste of soda, it’s too sweet.

Do you see my permanent weight loss “secret?” I had to learn how to change that fat gain habit- drinking too much soda- over to a fat loss habit- drinking water or tea. This is why so many people fail at permeant fat loss. They refuse to change their weight gain habits. But this is what you need to do. A permanent fat loss solution is in your habits, not in shortcuts you buy as pills or herbs.

Remember about 200 million people have already proven there are no short cuts or special secrets to permanent weight loss. Don’t waste your effort proving it again.

This ties right into my next permanent weight loss tip:

If a lack of activity is causing you to gain weight, you have to change that old habit over to a new habit that will cause you to lose weight. But don’t try something that’s so hard you'll give up. You can start with walking like I me. It doesn't matter what you do. There are hundreds of ways to successfully lose weight permanently. You just have to stick with what works until you develop your own permanent weight loss solution.

I feel so much better that I wrote an ebook on how anyone can learn how to change their fat gain habits too. Since changing the habits is the key to permanent fat loss, there’s no calorie charts or workouts in my book. You can get free fat loss info anywhere. My weight loss solution is simple: Identify the bad habits, and one at a time, change them to the good habits that I spell out in four steps. It works because it’s a simple and permanent weight loss solution. And simple is easy. 

I call it getting a new body and new life. The goods news is, it works for anyone. All you need is the willingness to learn. Check it out, and get started on your new body and life today. I promise you that making the effort to change those bad habits will take your life places you never imagined.

My True Secret To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

When's the last time you were excited to look in the mirror or try on

new sexy clothing? When's the last time you felt good about eating

food, like pizza?

I'm pretty sure that you're frustrated about your weight, your clothing

and what you're eating. That's why your here, right?

Well, I want you to know something important. This is something I only

share with my close friends. It's from the heart.

Everyone is frustrated about their weight, not just you. Too many

people say, "I'm too fat!" They feel like they weigh too much. They

obsess about being fat and they struggle with their tight pants.

So what's going on here? Why are so many people frustrated and angry?

Ladies, the truth is that it's a conspiracy...

Are They Making You Fat?

I'm not going to blame "them" for making us fat or putting on the

pounds. Instead, I'm just going to give you some facts.

Food manufacturers spend $7 billion in food advertising every year.

They are targeting you. They want you to eat even when you're not

hungry. The more you eat, the more money they make.

It's about profits... not your health.

High fat, high sugar and high calorie foods are available everywhere.

They tend to cost less and fast food companies offer immediate


Over the years, companies have increased serving sizes. Value meals and

monster-sized drinks are available at virtually all fast food chains,

encouraging you to consume more and more.

So I can't blame "them" for making us fatter, but honestly, don't you

think we're under assault? It's no wonder that we feel bad.

Is it possible to win this fight?


I'm going to share my little secret with you in just a minute. It

really does change everything. But, first...

One More Weight Problem

Most web sites, health experts, fitness clubs, and exercise books make

us feel bad. They make us feel stupid for not being able to lose


I don't know about you, but...

They sell a negative life that I don't want to embrace. It's not the

life I want to share with my friends and children.

It's not your imagination.

They deliberately make you feel shame and guilt. They want you to have

a negative outlook because they want to sell you The Magic Pill or The

Perfect Body DVD.

I don't know about you, but this isn't right.

I want to feel good. I want to feel sexy. I want to know that I'm in

control of my life and that other people aren't trying to manipulate


Fortunately, there is a solution. It's the secret I've promised to

share with you.

How To Feel Incredibly Sexy

If you want to be sexy you need feel sexy. And if you want to feel

sexy, you need the right people in your life. They need to support you,

and you need to support them.
That is the secret. Read that paragraph above one more time. It makes

sense, right?

I'm going to talk a lot more about the secret. I'll share all the

details, I promise. In fact, let's start right now.

Will you join me? It only gets better from here!

Weight Loss Actually Becomes Easy With This...

Weight loss on your own is tough. It's almost impossible in fact.
(Do you feel alone? Do you feel helpless?)

Here's the truth...

To really enjoy life and live healthier, you need to be part of a

positive community of people who embrace a healthy life. And, to lose

weight, you need a truly supportive community. You need to share and

you need to help other people.

In fact --

We've found that by helping OTHER people lose weight, you will lose

weight. This is because your positive words will reinforce your fat

burning and weight loss.

But there's another part of this secret. I'm sure you've heard this


"The best way to learn is to teach!"

Well, the same thing is true about weight loss. The best way to help

yourself have the right attitude, build your self-esteem, and burn fat

is to help others.

Let Us Help You Burn Fat

The REAL challenge is finding the right community. As you know, most

people are out to sell you pills and equipment. It's tough finding

people who want to work together -- to feel great and enjoy life fully.

I know where you can find help. And, like before, I promise to share my

secrets with you.

I'm almost ready to talk about our community of people who will help

you burn fat and lose weight forever. I need to give you an important

warning first. Please don't skip this...

Here's Why People Fail To Lose Weight

Everyone wants to change their body BEFORE their mind. They want the

fat loss pill. They want the easy diet. They want the miracle machine

to burn the pounds away.

Join our unique community.

They support you. You support them.
This means...
* NO fad diets
* NO weight loss pills
* NO miracle exercise machines
This is what you've been looking for, right?

Revealed At Last: The ProHealthMind Members Community

So, if you're serious about losing weight with us, and feeling very sexy, then please act now before we have to close the doors to new members. We want you to join us inside...Join Now!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Losing Belly Fat Only Works One Way...

Losing belly fat at any age

Are you ready to hear the real truth about losing stubborn belly fat? First, let’s start with the facts: Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese, while spending forty billion dollars annually on diet products.

So, using nothing but the facts, what does that tell you?

Diets and weight loss products are useless when it comes to losing stubborn belly fat. As a matter of fact, they actually make it harder to permanently lose weight. I’m not sure why everyone thinks there’s a secret to getting rid of stomach fat, but there’s no secrets- and there’s no shortcuts.

Here’s the whole story about getting rid of belly fat. This is the only thing that works: You have to burn off more calories than you consume.


If you want to learn how to do this, keep reading. If you think it’s sounds like too much trouble, stop right here. If there is a “secret” to losing stubborn belly fat, it’s this:

You have to be willing to change the unhealthy habits that are making you gain weight, over to better habits that will make you lose it. I know it sounds obvious, but that is where everyone fails. I can’t point any fingers. I failed at losing weight for 30 years. The only thing that really worked was when I changed my daily habits.

Now I choose my weight right to the pound.

And here’s the best part: I’m 50 years old. I’m not athletic. I have average smarts. I have a very busy schedule. Right now I’m working about twelve hours a day. I have no special resources that you don’t have. In other words, if I can learn how to burn belly fat.


I promise, it’s easier than you think. Again, it’s not in the products. You don’t need to buy anything special to lose stubborn belly fat. After I learned how easy it was, I wrote an e book about it. And no, it’s not a weight loss book. It’s about learning the habits that make you thin.

Remember, that’s the key to burning belly fat, you have to change the habits. That’s why weight loss products don’t work permanently. They can’t teach you how to change your habits- they make it harder to change your habits.

If your skeptical, just look at the facts: 40 billion spent, NO RESULTS.

I lost all the weight I wanted by doing nothing more than changing my habits. You’d be amazed at how many people think it’s impossible for a 50 year old to have a flat belly. I promise, my pictures have not been changed in any way.

I was overweight for thirty years. But all I did was what I’m telling you to do. I changed my weight gain habits over to weight loss habits. I didn’t do anything weird. I didn’t fast or cleanse my colon. I lost all the weight I wanted naturally. If you want to lose weight permanently, you have to do what works in the real world. And what's being sold by the giant weight loss industy does not work- as proven by the FACTS.

I did not buy one weight loss product. I bought all my food at the grocery store. ALL I DID WAS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS: I ate right and got some exercise. That is all I did. If you want to get a flat stomach, that’s all you have to do too.

If you need help changing over your habits, check out my ebook at www.MyNewBodyNewLife.com

Here’s my biggest tip when it come to changing your habits: When your tempted to do something that’s unhealthy, you have to have a thought- or thoughts, in the back of your mind that’s more powerful than that temptation. It does not matter what that thought is. It can be anything from wanting to make your children proud of you to showing that ex you can accomplish something meaningful. All that matters is this: That thought works for you.

Remember, if a fifty year old average person can lose stomach fat, You can get a new body and life too!

Three Tips OnRapid Weight Loss Ideas

Today's society is based around instant results, and our weight loss expectations are the same. So looking for rapid weight loss ideas, we shall get straight to the point and get right onto a few easy ways to attain your goals ASAP;a Rapid Weight Loss Ideas – Mind Set;• Be certain you are sure of your commitment and have the correct mind set.• Set your self some goals, keep them realistic and don’t get a long way into the future, one, three and six months is fine.• Be sure of your aspirations, write them down and review them every day, or when you need reassuring.• Find a confidant. Not just anyone, a person that will be both sympathetic as well as truthful. They must have the nerve to let you know you are doing the wrong thing!Rapid Weight Loss Ideas – Dieting;If you are absolutely sure of your self and ready for action, feel free to go it alone. You will need to have a solid understanding of the types of food that are healthy. Taking the complexity out of it simply make really accurate notes on what your current food and drink consumption is, look for all of the unhealthy foods and drinks you have on your list, and commence swapping them with a better substitute. Don’t feel you must go straight from a mars bar to slices of vegetables, in reality you will have better success if you do it in smaller steps. Say from a chocolate bar to a health bar, and then to a serve of raw vegetables or another low calorie snack. If this is not for you, then you should get 2 forms of guidance. 1. Advice on nutrition to eat and,>2. A plan to guide you. Select a plan which suits the styles of food you enjoy, and includes a structure which you can fit into your week.By that I mean so if you enjoy your meat, do not choose a largely vegetarian sort of program, also don’t sign up for a program which requires you to attend meetings which are on a same night that you absolutely must to be somewhere else.Rapid Weight Loss Ideas – Exercise;The best exercises to loose weight fast are resistance training. To put it plainly when you work your muscles hard you receive 3 results.1. Calories are burnt during the work out.2. Your body burns calories after the workout. There will be many small tears in your muscles from your work out that will be repaired during the next day or so, and this repairing uses energy (calories).3. This system will boost your metabolic rate. As your muscles become more toned the higher the calories your body needs in sustaining them. Increasing your metabolism is fantastic as your body consumes more energy during your sleep! You can fit some easy resistance routines into the day. The three I recommend you commence with are push ups, squats and sit ups. Perform three sets of 10 for each exercise once a day and you will be blowing the calories off.My aim is that these rapid weight loss ideas aid you to commence your program to lose weight. That is the critical part, you need to get started. As you begin to realize some benefits, I suggest you start finding a longer term plan. The people who stay with their first rapid weight loss ideas find that they are complacent with the types of foods which are permitted in the program.Permanent success totally depends upon re-adjusting the plan and exercise habits into the types that are both healthy AND enjoyable for the individual.!All the best, with these Rapid Weight Loss Ideas, and remember, you will never know if you don’t have a go!

Why does it seem so difficult for you to burn fat?

It seems that almost every second person you talk to is looking up how to loose weight fast, and searching for the latest diet tips to do so.This is where the difficulty is. It seems the problems start soon after you start your how to loose weight fast system.The main reason that diets fail is that you are expected to make huge adjustments to the food which you prefer to eat. And the foods on the menu are often not that enjoyable. Therefore while there are often some short term wins, in many cases, because the diet is not sustainable for the longer term, you simply go back to your normal eating rituals. The final result is that you put all the weight back on and often some extra to go with it.Because you enjoy the foods you eat, going on a restrictive diet will always be a struggle.However there is  an easy solution and that is to make smaller changes to the sort of food you eat or the volume of food that you consume on a regular basis without going overboard with a full-blown diet.Just dropping your daily calorie intake by 100 is an easy adjustment requiring minimal changes, but over a year it adds up to a substantial amount of fat eliminated from your body.lSubstituting low quality foods with better quality foods is a great way to reduce fat and this would not require major changes in eating habits.Foods that are low in highly processed sugars and fat are the type of food I would consider low in quality.By eating snacks with a little more protein rather than carbohydrates you are less likely to feel hungry in between meals .Cutting down on sugar in your hot drinks promotes losing weight.If you want to learn how to lose weight fast and keep it off, the process must not be too difficult otherwise it will be impossible to keep your weight at an even keel once you start to lose weight and you will bounce right  back to what your were before.It is a good idea to learn about the reasons for diet failure, that way when you learn how to loose weight fast you will also understand more about how to keep it off.Good LuckSteve Roberts is a Health and Fitness consultant, specializing in Weight loss, for more tips on How To Loose Weight Fast, you can visit his blog Lifestyle Health and Fitness. While you are there you can collect a free copy of How to loose weight fast by Boosting Your Metabolism.

3 Critacal Tips For Your Diet Meal Plan.

If you are looking for a diet meal plan to help you loose weight fast, then you are definitely on the right track to successful weight loss.Many people fail to succeed in loosing weight, and one of the key reasons is they have no plan for what they are going to consume at snack and meal times. A well constructed diet meal plan helps to take away the temptations as you have already told yourself in clear terms what is on the menu!O.K. so there are a couple of ways you can go about generating your diet meal plan;By yourselfThere is always the good old Google search for free diet meal plans, orBook in to a loose weight systemThis is a tough job as it takes quite a bit of time to make sure you pick the right foods, and plan the next day, let alone the week ahead. Free stuff is great except that it is often just copied straight from a recipe book, and you are really putting your self, or stomach I should say, in the hands of someone that may or may not be good at diet meal plans. Free stuff will often end up with you editing it to come up with variety, and you may as well have done it yourself. There are two problems here, firstly if you just use the diet as is, you may become bored with it, or if you have to constantly change them, you tend to have the same problem as with option one. And you give up.there are many diet options such as weight watchers and Jenny Craig. They seem to be very good for the short to medium term, but there is a strong tendency to move away from the diet meal plan as provided, with the end result being to regain the weight that was lost!Below are my three tips;1.    A software program that can assist you to easily come up with a diet menu plan can be a savior. There are quite a few available around the $40.00 to $60.00 mark and many of them come as a part of a diet system. Generally you will still need to adjust the plan to some extent, but at least you have made healthy decisions based on what YOU like. 2.    Getting advice from a personal trainer, doctor or dietitian is also a fantastic idea. You can give them you food preferences and together you can come up with a diet menu plan that you have a great chance to stick with. 3.    This is a bit left field, but a bit of tuff love never goes astray! If you don’t want to spend any of your hard earned, and are not prepared to put your own time into your weight loss, then I suggest you keep it super simple. Make small but gradual changes to your existing diet to make it a better one. You can do this quite effectively if you stay committed. Just pick the most unhealthy food you currently eat and swap it for a healthy choice. An example would be swapping a mars bar a day for a piece of fruit. Once you have changed that habit, move on to the next food item, and so on!    Lifestyle Health and Fitness has plenty of information on Diet menu plans, the link is at the end of this article, and there is a free gift waiting there for you!The process of loosing weight is a simple one. Eat less calories than you burn! Unfortunately it is clear that this simple formula is not so easy to implement into our daily lives, otherwise we would not have an increasing problem with weight in our society. EXTRA TIP: Keep it as simple as you can, set your mind right, research and choose the diet and or plan you are going to use, STOP RESEARCHING and PUT YOUR PLAN INTO ACTION, be prepared for when it gets a bit tough, concentrate on your successes not on the occasional slip up and stick at it.A good diet meal plan can help you easily lose weight. There are plenty of misleading, in effective and even potentially harmful diets available. We are regularly reviewing the latest diet meal plans when they come onto the market. At the moment we are of the opinion there are five very good plans. We guarantee these programs are effective and safe. You can see our thoughts at; http://mmolbiz.com/howtolooseweightfast/weight-loss-reviews

Rice Diet 7 Day - Losing Weight By Eating Rice?

First of all: Despite its name, the Rice Diet is not based upon eating rice.

Created by Duke University, the Rice Diet was created in order to help those with hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

The diet is not a typical diet and cannot be followed from the comfort of your home.

The Rice Diet is medically supervised that is only administered by doctors and nutritionists. Only doctors and nutrition experts that work in a place called Rice House in North Carolina are able to provide you with the needed items for the diet.

Many overweight people from all over the world save up money and make time to visit the Rice Diet Center. The center offers many health classes and workshops. The visitors are also put under the watch of nutrition experts. Usually, visitors stay for 4-8 weeks.

The entire program consists of just 2 phases.

The beginning phase of the diet consists of eating just grains and fruits. This should always and only be done under medical supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.

The second phase of the diet allows dieters to add fish, beans, vegetables, and other types of carbs to their own menu.

The Rice Diet program is best suited for those who are extremely overweight and have been struggling with obesity since childhood or for a few years. It is also for people who need to lose a lot of weight, not just a few pounds. The diet is not for everyone as it is also very costly.

Maybe you have heard about the Cabbage Soup Diet. What are the differences between the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Rice Diet?
The Cabbage Soup Diet is much different from the Rice Diet, and is not as healthy as the latter. The diet is also referred to as the Mayo Clinic Program.

So, what is the Cabbage Soup (Mayo Clinic) Diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a week long plan that allows the dieter to eat an unlimited amount of cabbage soup each day.

This is so because the soup has virtually no calories. The diet also allows for other foods to be eaten along with the soup, but these foods are limited, unlike the cabbage soup.

The menu that goes along with the diet is slightly bizarre to some. Some days it lets a dieter eat fruit with unlimited cabbage soup, then some days the diet only allows unlimited soup with vegetables along with it.

On different days the diet allows users to eat an unlimited amount of rice, while other days are made to be full of soup and bananas.

This unusual weight loss program is a quick week long diet for people to lose weight by eating very low amounts of calories each day.

As a whole, I do not recommend this diet because it is not very healthy, and healthier diets exist.

The Rice Diet is a much better choice; however, the Rice Diet was not created for everyday people who are just looking to drop a few pounds. It is only for extremely overweight people who have no other means of losing weight.

Overall, both programs are not the best choice for everyday dieters. In my opinion, there are much better options out there. If you are an average dieter, I do not recommend either of these diets for you.

Want to read more unbiased reviews on diets and weight loss products?

For a Weight Loss Product Review i.e. on Fat Burning Furnace or Review Burn the fat feed the muscle just check out our website at weightlossproductreview.net

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Best Ways To Lose Weight

Are you struggling with sustaining your target weight? Are you desperate to drop several pounds and not sure of how to lose the weight? The path to your weight loss goals may lie in learning how to have a positive approach to losing weight.

Phase 1 of building your positive mental attitude to dieting and losing weight is to make up your mind to achieve it. Then, once you are determined to achieve your weight goal, it is important to be committed to your goal. Weight management, especially losing weight can be challenging. Most people give up before reaching their weight goal. Still so many people follow unhealthy diets, pills, or quick weight loss diet and then discover that once they stop they gain it all back again and usually add more weight besides. Losing weight and then managing it long term is a way of life that works best when it is viewed in a positive light.

As a tip to help you begin, one of the easy ways to lose weight (and you can do this right now) involves some simple green tea weight loss tips. Many people are claiming green tea with ginseng can help kick start your weight loss program, and add a considerable health boost into the bargain.

The real secrets to successful weight loss is understanding how your body works, learning from your mistakes, and constructive support because you are going to make changes to your lifestyle that will support you in creating your new healthy eating habits and lifestyle resulting in your desired weight goal. Owing to the fact that learning how to lose weight is down to healthy eating habits, you may stumble along the way, having a positive mental attitude will govern how quickly you get over it and get back on track.

A positive outlook brings with it focus and consistency, and much better results with regards to taking the small but daily steps towards your goals. If you expect success it will be inevitable and if you don't plan to succeed you're actually planning for failure. You know that regular exercise improves and strengthens your muscles, by continually channeling your emotions and thoughts the powerful emotions have a way of boosting your attitude and emotions helping you become more successful at everything you do.

Learn how to change negative thoughts into positive action. Work on building a positive and supportive self image and learn ways to acknowledge and portray your personal abilities and strengths.

Watching what you eat is not all there is to losing and maintaining your weight, how you live your live is also crucial and how much sleep you get, how much water you drink and ensuring you get plenty of exercise. Having that positive attitude is a great gift. The greatest gift is the gift of great health.

Being positive about your health and weight loss goes beyond just you; it involves building a positive support system that will encourage you in your weight goals. You may want to consider building your support group of family and close friends, a health consultant and probably your doctor.

What are you doing to make your ideal weight look realistic and achievable? Look at everything you could possibly do to guarantee your success. Are you ready to have a positive weight management or weight loss experience where you will be happy and healthy for the rest of your life?

7 Things you can do today to get rid of a beer gut

There is much hype and misinformation surrounding the subject of how to get rid of a beer gut. If you can get past the infomercials selling their ab machines, diet supplements and magic pills you'll have a much better chance of actually seeing some proper results and holding on to the money in your pocket.

Like anything in life that involves hard work and desirable results there are no shortcuts. A task such as this requires some fundamental changes in how you live your life and exchanging bad habits for good ones. Here are 7 small life changes you can make to your every day routine to help to get rid of a beer gut:

1. Park the car a few blocks from work forcing you to walk the rest of the journey every day to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. If you take the bus or train try and get off a stop or 2 early (take a change of shoes for this).

2. Try and avoid taking lifts and escalators if there are stairs you can take instead.

3. Swap coffee for green tea.

4. Split your meals up into 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day, this will increase your metabolism and therefore burn more fat.

5. Drink lots of water, particularly when you get up and before you go to bed.

6. Eat larger meals earlier in the day when you need the energy and smaller ones in the evening when extra energy will only end up being stored as fat. Remember this expression;- "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a pauper" but try and split this into 5 or 6 meals instead of the usual 3.

7. Be conscious of how you sit at your desk or how you hold yourself during your day to day routine. One of the best ways to develop a flat tummy is to exercise your transverse abdominus. You do this by holding in your stomach (without holding your breath). Aim to see how long you can hold it in for and better your time every day. Drawing your belly button into your spine is sometimes referred to as 'activating your core'. If you work at a computer set a calendar reminder to 'activate your core' several times a day. If you don't work at a computer set your watch or phone alarm to remind you to do this. Tensing your stomach muscles and drawing your naval into your spine is something you can do sitting or standing and in almost any situation.

These 7 tips can make a world of difference to helping you get rid of a beer gut if you add them to your daily routine. Proper diet and exercise play an important part as well, however it is possible to ‘multitask’ and lose your beer gut when you’re at work and even at play.

If you combine these routine changes with a solid exercise and diet system you’ll start seeing results a lot quicker than you thought possible. Of course you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right diet and exercise systems such as the ones featured on http://www.lose-the-beer-belly.com.

For more every day diet and exercise tips be sure to check out my site for in depth info on how to most effectively get rid of a beer gut and develop rock hard 6-pack abs.

How Does The Zone Diet Work?

The Zone Diet is based upon a 40/30/30 theory. These numbers indicate that 40% of calories should be from carbs, 30% from protein, and 30% from fasts. The diet was created by a man named Barry Sears who is known for his book "Enter the Zone," which is all about the diet itself.

When a dieter eats a meal that is 40/30/30, it is known as a Zone Favorable meal.

Barry Sears has claimed that eating all meals that are Zone Favorable will help everyone have reduced insulin levels, which will most definitely lead to weight loss because of the body's ability to burn fat.

Unfortunately, I do not agree that the Zone Favorable 40/30/30 meal is the best way for a dieter to reduce insulin levels in his/her body.

It is important to remember that is very difficult to follow the Zone Diet.

Everything that is eaten has to be calculated precisely and correctly. These calculations can become very tedious, and many dieters do not have the time to waste doing math.

Many average dieters find the Zone Diet to be a very difficult program to follow for a very long amount of time. Because of this, I do not like the Zone Diet program.

The makers of the Zone Diet have come as far as to even create a line of Zone Favorable Food products. These products include bars, shakes, and many other snacks and foods to eat during the day.

Of course, these products cost much more than the average diet bar or diet shakes costs. Buying these products does not always fit into the budget of an average dieter. This is just another reason why I do not recommend the Zone Diet.

Want to read more unbiased reviews on diets and weight loss products?

For a Weight Loss Product Review i.e. on Fat Burning Furnace or Burn the fat feed the muscle just check out our website at weightlossproductreview.net

Just how does the wedding day diet differ from the others?

It’s an unfortunate fact that we’re not all built like Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie but on the day we get married we should be as beautiful and attractive as we can possibly be. And if you need to get rid of a few pounds before the wedding, then so be it. 

Now, your wedding may only be a short time away, maybe a few weeks or a couple of months. If that is really the case then you'll need to get your skates on. Say you need to lose fifteen pounds. Now, that is more than most people lose on a diet and I can tell you that if you did actually lose that much, you would really notice a change in your figure.

How is the wedding day diet different?

In a normal diet plan, you'll probably be told to change your eating habits, take more exercise, drink loads of water, you know the sort of thing, you've heard it so often. This type of diet plan would work on an expected weekly loss of 1.5 or 2 pounds per week. At that rate you’re going to miss your target by a country mile. 

The wedding day diet however is a lot more aggressive and, if followed correctly, claims an average weight loss of about 10 pounds in 2 weeks. If you can maintain your motivation (what could provide you with more motivation than your wedding day?)  you should be able to shed all of that fifteen pounds in just three weeks.

And how does the wedding day diet work? Well I can’t give away too many secrets here but I can certainly reveal that one of its unique features is the STF Diet Generator. A what? you ask - well it's a very useful tool that can prepare meal plans for you, centred around the foods that you particularly like. You tell it what you prefer and it does the rest. No one will give instructions on what to eat and what not to eat. That's right, the diet generator will develop a personalised meal plan based on the foods that you want to eat. It puts you in firm control of your weight loss plan. And, with you in the driving seat you'll find it so much easier. As you can see, this is very different from the conventional method and explains why Strip that Fat has been so incredibly successful. Now, don't get the idea that you can just tell it that you like burgers, french fries and candy and it will come up with a diet that can lose you 5 lsb a week but I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.

The STF Diet Generator is just one of the innovative concepts included in the Strip  That Fat weight loss program and it is, without doubt, the best wedding day diet available.  There are numerous weight loss plans and clubs out there, some of them have been going for years, promoting the same old tired information that has let so many women down, time and again. This is your last chance to get into shape for the most important day of your life – I suggest you read this comprehensive review of Strip That Fat and then decide if it can help you. I’m pretty sure it can.

Weight loss Ideas

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Many peoples goal is weight loss, unfortunately they will fail before they reach their goals. You must be dedicated and focused to be successful at weightloss. if you do succeed you will have more health and fitness and feel heaps better.

Some have found that a little extra help will give them the edge they need to overcome the challenge. For many dieters, that extra help comes in the form of a weight loss pill.


Many people hate the word with passion , but a health diet is the first step to become successful. Dieting doesn’t just mean living on lettuce leaves it also mean combining a whole lot of different low fat non processed foods. By following a smart strategy you will loose weight. But when combined with a whole of body strategy the pounds will absolutely fall off.

The next step Exercise

When adding an exercise program to your diet you need to know that it has to provide or more importantly take a bit of effort. While some exercise is better nothing, the real secret is to increase the heart beat and add a bit of effort to the breathing, so when walking make it brisk or even use a treadmill.

Exercise of the aerobic type are the best way to burn that fat, this will remove fat and get rid of flab together. While there are lots of different exercises the facts are you wont see any changes is reasonable amount of time unless you do exercises that make you work. While strength and flexibility work, nothing will show unless the fat starts moving.

Weight loss Supplements

Since weight loss is all about burning more calories than you take in, diet and exercise may be sufficient for some. However, many of us have trouble adhering to a weight loss program without a little extra help. That's where a weight loss pill may come into play.

A supplement that provides an effective fat burner combined with an appetite suppressant may provide the needed edge to achieve weight loss goals. There are many of these supplements on the market, but the best will combine these two substances into a single product.

While getting down to a healthy weight or even a specific goal is difficult, by adding a little bit of pharmaceutical assistance may be just what the doctor ordered. Exercise and diet will help but what will happen if you add a little assistance throw in an appetite suppressant and fat burner bingo, your success is just around the corner.

How to Lose Unwanted Weight

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With social and career success being firmly rooted in modern life, physical appearance is more important than ever. The popular image of a successful person seems to be built around fitness in both the physical and moral aspects, a sort of a physical and moral correctness.

Therefore many people are interested in keeping themselves in shape, especially after a winter of eating heavier food at the expense of fresh vegetables at fruits.

Always look at your diet first, then see what what you can cut down on to get rid of those excess kilograms. You will have then taken the first step of your journey.

More exciting information about weight loss and health information at the weight loss file.

Do you rely heavily on chips, soft drinks or junk food to get through the day? Vegetables and fruits are a must, Are you eating enough? Whilst you might enjoy the occasional spoiling of a hamburger, chips and a soft drink as a satisfying combination, it can also pose a deadly health hazard to your health. To stay fit you must stop eating high-powered food that contains too much energy.

Your body doesn't like to waste energy, and a lot of the foods you eat- like hamburgers and chips, are very high in energy. So if you eat a lot of these and live a lethargic lifestyle then your body will contain a lot more energy then it needs.

But energy can't be thrown away, so it is then converted into fat. This is why you need to stop eating junk and start eating fresh fruits and vegetables to live a healthier lifestyle.

The next step is to get active. While a healthy diet makes sure you don't consume more energy then you need, excercise is needed to help get rid of the energy already stored. It's ok to take a brisk walk after a meal, it's good to exercise half an hour a day, and it's perfect to go to the gym an hour a day, 5 days a week.

Don't starve or exhaust yourself as you will find you will begin binge eating or drinking. Try and make Diet and exercising fun with a bit of thinking and positive attitude.

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work – Fat Loss 4 Idiots Complaints

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the most popular weight loss ebooks online. There are many fat loss 4 idiots reviews online, mostly good but the big question is of course does fat loss 4 idiots work?

It is the question that people ask as they see this whole diet plan. Actually the claims that the company make are so amazing that it is so obvious to have a feeling of disbelief. For instance, they claim that their weight loss diet program will help you lose 9lbs in 11 days.

Isn’t it amazing? It certainly is, after all, it is the matter of mere eleven days. Besides the health risks in losing weight so fast, it is usually not permanent and hard to maintain. Nevertheless I was intrigued and want to know more and I decided to buy Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

After reading it, the first thing that can be said in this regard is that this diet plan does actually work. However, the amount of results and amount of weight loss can be different in different cases or can be lesser to what they have mentioned in their advertisements. I think it would be quite impossible to lose 9lbs in 11 days but most people will lose weight with this program.

Although, the benefits and the amount of fat loss is less but it still is better than other fat loss diet plans. That is the thing that goes in its favor and compels people to use it. In fact, there are some satisfied customers who claims that the system works better than any other system of its kind and it works about 98% better than others.

Another important reason that it works is the shifting calories principle used. Basically, it forces your body to change the rate of metabolism by changing diet plans frequently. The diet generator provided is important and you should stick to the plan for at least 11 days to see if it works.

As a whole, it can easily be said that Fat Loss 4 Idiots does work but the extent can be different. They are many fat loss 4 idiots complaints I read in weight loss forums but I do feel it may not be the program’s fault.

Most people never stick to the diet plan the program provides and claim it does not work. If you are not determined and persistent enough to stick strictly to the diet plan, then you will not have any success with other weight loss diet plans either.

If you are determined to lose weight and willing to stick to the diet plan strictly, then I recommend you buy fat loss 4 idiots.

If you are determined to lose weight and willing to stick to the diet plan strictly, then I recommend you buy fat loss 4 idiots. Read my fat loss 4 idiots review here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Beat The Holiday Weight Gain Blues!

Every year the Holidays come - for many this means adding a few pounds. Sure it tastes good so you tell your self you will work it off later. Some do, some do not. So how can you prevent the Holiday weight gain?

Portion Size

It is really easy to say but harder to do! All you have to do it watch your portions and do not overeat. You can also add in an exercise program if you are not exercising all ready. Hey get a head start on the New Year Resolutions.


Okay, so how can you keep your portions under control when everything tastes so good? That is where it can be more difficult as you know. You can make it easier by planning ahead before the Holiday meal.


Before you go to the meal, think about what why you would not want to gain weight. Think about how you will feel if you overeat and gain weight. Plan on what you will eat and visualize the correct portions on your plate. This will help you stick with your plan when you get to the meal.


You need to also prepare for how much you will drink. It doesn’t matter what beverage you drink, if it is not water, it will add calories. Oh and by the way the sugar free beverages are not any healthier.


How about appetizers? This is a deadly weapon that can shatter your plan. So plan ahead and determine how many appetizers you will allow yourself along with the beverage(s) and the meal. Holiday meals are a total package and you need to cover all your bases.


How about dessert? The best thing you could do would be to skip it. But that will be so hard to do for many of you. You will have an advantage here if you are one of the people that prefere savory salty foods over desserts. If you just can not say no then ask for a small piece. Even if you end up with a big piece you only have to take a bite or two. It is your body and while it might go to waist, better if it is not on your waist.

Put all this together and plan ahead before those Holiday meals so you can avoid the weight gain blues!

Now if you should happen to put on a few pounds in spite of your best efforts then take advantage of a weight loss method called calorie shifting to help you quickly lose those extra pounds. Discover how a calorie shifting diet can help you lose the Holiday pounds!

Dietrine Review – Phrase 2 Carb Blocker Pills

One of the most common resolutions many people make during new year is to lose weight.

It’s certainly something that can create a lot of problems for people as obesity is the root cause of many serious diseases.

However, the awareness about this is really building these days and that is the reason why people are making more conscious efforts to tackle their obesity problems. There are a lot of fat loss supplements that acts as carb blockers because carbohydrates are the most basic cause of fat gain and obesity. One such supplement is Dietrine Carb Blocker.

One major advantage of using Dietrine lies in the fact that it has no side effects to start with. As far as side effects are concerned, there aren’t many based on consumer feedback. So, it can be said that it is free from side effects.

Phrase 2 carb blockers such as Dietrine works by stopping carbohydrates from being converted into fats. Most people are able to use Dietrine so it can benefit a lot more people compared to weight loss drugs.

Dietrine phrase 2 carb blocker does not require an prescription as it is considered a health supplement. You can easily buy dietrine carb blocker online.

The fact that there are all natural ingredients in dietrine means that it works to stop carbohydrates from being transformed in fats in a more natural way. Also, it is considered to be a fast solution to tackle your body fats as it directly tackles the most basic cause of obesity. So, that’s one thing that is liked by many people. Its fast and effective.

For usage, the recommendation is to take a dietrine pill before you start a meal. For cost wise, dietrine is affordable. Although it isn’t as cheap compared to many weight loss pills and supplements, the most important thing to remember is it works and that is all that matters in the end.

Click here to check out my Dietrine carb blocker review and learn whether is dietrine carb blocker scam.

Weight Loss Plan: The Goal to Go For

Since excess weight puts you at risk for many health problems, you may need to set some weight loss plans to help avoid those risks and prevent disease.

But what should be your long-term goal? And what short-term goals should you set to help you get there? You have a better chance of attaining your goals if you make sure that the weight loss plans that you will use are sensible and reasonable right at the beginning.  Uncover the Easy Weight Loss Program.

Here are some guidelines from the experts in choosing weight loss plans and goals.

1. Be realistic

Most people’s long-term weight loss plans are more ambitious than they have to be.

For example, if you weigh 170 pounds and your long-term plan is to weigh 120, even if you have not weighed 120 since you were 16 and now you are 45, that is not a realistic weight loss goal.

Your body mass index or BMI is a good indicator of whether or not you need to shed of pounds. The ideal BMI range, according to the national Institutes of Health, is between 19 and 24.9. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight. Any number above 30 is in the obesity range.

From this point of view, you will need a sensible weight loss plan that will correspond to the required BMI based on your height, because this is the primary factor that will affect your BMI.

2. Set appropriate objectives

Using a weight loss plan just for vanity’s sake is psychologically less helpful than losing weight to improve health.

You have made a big step forward if you decide to undergo a weight loss plan that includes exercise and eating right so that you will feel better and have more energy to do something positive in your life.

3. Focus on doing, not losing

Rather than saying that you are going to lose a pound this week, say how much you are going to exercise this week. This would definitely make up of a sensible weight loss plan.

Keep in mind that your weight within a span of a week is not completely in your control, but your behavior is.

4. Build bit by bit

Short-term weight loss plans should not be "pie-in-the-sky." This means that when you have never exercised at all, your best weight loss plan for this week should be based on finding three different one-mile routes that you can walk next week.

5. Keep up the self-encouragement

An all-or-nothing attitude only sets you up to fail. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fall short of some goals, just look ahead to next week. You do not need to have a perfect record.

After all, self-encouragement should definitely be a part of your weight loss plans. Otherwise, you will just fail in the end.

6. Use measurable measures

Saying that you are going to be more positive this week or that you are going to really get serious this week is not a goal that you can measure and should not be a part of your weight loss plan.

This is another reason why you should incorporate exercise on your weight loss plan and focus on it. You should be able to count up the minutes of exercise in order to be successful in your plan.

The bottom line is, people should make weight loss plans that will only remain as it is, just a plan. They have to put it into action by incorporating goals that will motivate them to succeed.

Uncover the Easy Weight Loss Program.

Hypnosis Weight Loss: Some Ways to Stop the Weighting




Controlling your weight and avoiding weight gain as you get older are important ways to prevent a host of weight-related health problems.

Indeed, if you are more than 20 pounds over your ideal weight, you are at greater risk for a rogues’ gallery of potentially deadly conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, endometrial cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, and breast cancer.

What’s more, most people who are overweight tend to avoid exercise, and that avoidance just adds to the toll paid for extra pounds.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle and are overweight, you are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. And, if you already have a medical condition such as high cholesterol, being overweight puts you at higher risk for complications. Uncover the Easy Weight Loss Program.

The good news is that even modest amounts of weight loss can improve your health significantly. Loss of 10% of body weight can reduce blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglyceride, and high blood sugar levels.

Today, there are many procedures that can contribute and help people loss weight effectively. One of the known procedure in losing weight is through hypnosis.

However, many misconceptions have come up with regards to the application of hypnosis in losing eight. And because it does not involve drugs or any kinds of medications and surgery, many people tend to think that losing weight through hypnosis seems to be one of the safest weight loss program.  Uncover the Easy Weight Loss Program.

To know more about hypnosis and its effects on losing weight, here is a list of some facts that will give you an insight about what it can do to your body weight.

1. Hypnosis can be an imminently risky if not done properly and not utilize by people who are highly trained with the real concept of hypnosis.

Even if many people tend to think that hypnosis will not pose imminent danger to their health, still, it is important to know that the person who will do the procedure is skilled enough and that he or she knows what factors to consider before doing the procedures.

2. Hypnosis alone cannot eliminate excess fat from the body and, therefore, make somebody lose weight.

Most health experts contend that hypnosis should only be a part of a whole assimilated process. It should never be used as the sole weight loss procedure.

Moreover, one session of hypnosis will only have very minimal results on an individual’s weight. When losing weight, hypnosis matched with psychotherapy will be more effective than hypnosis alone. This is because hypnosis is only a state of deeply relaxing the mind, in which one can still be in control of his or her own body.

3. Hypnosis is one way of getting into the subliminal state of a person. When a person is on the "hypnotic stage," the body is more responsive to suggestibility because of its intensified state of concentration.

However, this does not necessarily mean that through hypnosis, one can already "reprogram" the mind of an individual.

In reality, hypnosis can only run the range from trouble-free relaxation condition to proper initiation managed by a professional hypnotists. Hence, it should not be considered paranormal and magical in its upshots.

Boiled down, people should be more aware that hypnosis is not a sole effective process in losing weight. It is more of a facilitator of various treatment techniques.

Therefore, it should be combined with other weight loss management program to be effective in making people lose excess weight. In this manner, people will be able to lose more weight with a more relaxed and refreshed state of mind.

As they say, a healthy mind is a healthy body.

Uncover the Easy Weight Loss Program.