Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just how does the wedding day diet differ from the others?

It’s an unfortunate fact that we’re not all built like Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie but on the day we get married we should be as beautiful and attractive as we can possibly be. And if you need to get rid of a few pounds before the wedding, then so be it. 

Now, your wedding may only be a short time away, maybe a few weeks or a couple of months. If that is really the case then you'll need to get your skates on. Say you need to lose fifteen pounds. Now, that is more than most people lose on a diet and I can tell you that if you did actually lose that much, you would really notice a change in your figure.

How is the wedding day diet different?

In a normal diet plan, you'll probably be told to change your eating habits, take more exercise, drink loads of water, you know the sort of thing, you've heard it so often. This type of diet plan would work on an expected weekly loss of 1.5 or 2 pounds per week. At that rate you’re going to miss your target by a country mile. 

The wedding day diet however is a lot more aggressive and, if followed correctly, claims an average weight loss of about 10 pounds in 2 weeks. If you can maintain your motivation (what could provide you with more motivation than your wedding day?)  you should be able to shed all of that fifteen pounds in just three weeks.

And how does the wedding day diet work? Well I can’t give away too many secrets here but I can certainly reveal that one of its unique features is the STF Diet Generator. A what? you ask - well it's a very useful tool that can prepare meal plans for you, centred around the foods that you particularly like. You tell it what you prefer and it does the rest. No one will give instructions on what to eat and what not to eat. That's right, the diet generator will develop a personalised meal plan based on the foods that you want to eat. It puts you in firm control of your weight loss plan. And, with you in the driving seat you'll find it so much easier. As you can see, this is very different from the conventional method and explains why Strip that Fat has been so incredibly successful. Now, don't get the idea that you can just tell it that you like burgers, french fries and candy and it will come up with a diet that can lose you 5 lsb a week but I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about.

The STF Diet Generator is just one of the innovative concepts included in the Strip  That Fat weight loss program and it is, without doubt, the best wedding day diet available.  There are numerous weight loss plans and clubs out there, some of them have been going for years, promoting the same old tired information that has let so many women down, time and again. This is your last chance to get into shape for the most important day of your life – I suggest you read this comprehensive review of Strip That Fat and then decide if it can help you. I’m pretty sure it can.

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