Friday, September 26, 2008

My True Secret To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

When's the last time you were excited to look in the mirror or try on

new sexy clothing? When's the last time you felt good about eating

food, like pizza?

I'm pretty sure that you're frustrated about your weight, your clothing

and what you're eating. That's why your here, right?

Well, I want you to know something important. This is something I only

share with my close friends. It's from the heart.

Everyone is frustrated about their weight, not just you. Too many

people say, "I'm too fat!" They feel like they weigh too much. They

obsess about being fat and they struggle with their tight pants.

So what's going on here? Why are so many people frustrated and angry?

Ladies, the truth is that it's a conspiracy...

Are They Making You Fat?

I'm not going to blame "them" for making us fat or putting on the

pounds. Instead, I'm just going to give you some facts.

Food manufacturers spend $7 billion in food advertising every year.

They are targeting you. They want you to eat even when you're not

hungry. The more you eat, the more money they make.

It's about profits... not your health.

High fat, high sugar and high calorie foods are available everywhere.

They tend to cost less and fast food companies offer immediate


Over the years, companies have increased serving sizes. Value meals and

monster-sized drinks are available at virtually all fast food chains,

encouraging you to consume more and more.

So I can't blame "them" for making us fatter, but honestly, don't you

think we're under assault? It's no wonder that we feel bad.

Is it possible to win this fight?


I'm going to share my little secret with you in just a minute. It

really does change everything. But, first...

One More Weight Problem

Most web sites, health experts, fitness clubs, and exercise books make

us feel bad. They make us feel stupid for not being able to lose


I don't know about you, but...

They sell a negative life that I don't want to embrace. It's not the

life I want to share with my friends and children.

It's not your imagination.

They deliberately make you feel shame and guilt. They want you to have

a negative outlook because they want to sell you The Magic Pill or The

Perfect Body DVD.

I don't know about you, but this isn't right.

I want to feel good. I want to feel sexy. I want to know that I'm in

control of my life and that other people aren't trying to manipulate


Fortunately, there is a solution. It's the secret I've promised to

share with you.

How To Feel Incredibly Sexy

If you want to be sexy you need feel sexy. And if you want to feel

sexy, you need the right people in your life. They need to support you,

and you need to support them.
That is the secret. Read that paragraph above one more time. It makes

sense, right?

I'm going to talk a lot more about the secret. I'll share all the

details, I promise. In fact, let's start right now.

Will you join me? It only gets better from here!

Weight Loss Actually Becomes Easy With This...

Weight loss on your own is tough. It's almost impossible in fact.
(Do you feel alone? Do you feel helpless?)

Here's the truth...

To really enjoy life and live healthier, you need to be part of a

positive community of people who embrace a healthy life. And, to lose

weight, you need a truly supportive community. You need to share and

you need to help other people.

In fact --

We've found that by helping OTHER people lose weight, you will lose

weight. This is because your positive words will reinforce your fat

burning and weight loss.

But there's another part of this secret. I'm sure you've heard this


"The best way to learn is to teach!"

Well, the same thing is true about weight loss. The best way to help

yourself have the right attitude, build your self-esteem, and burn fat

is to help others.

Let Us Help You Burn Fat

The REAL challenge is finding the right community. As you know, most

people are out to sell you pills and equipment. It's tough finding

people who want to work together -- to feel great and enjoy life fully.

I know where you can find help. And, like before, I promise to share my

secrets with you.

I'm almost ready to talk about our community of people who will help

you burn fat and lose weight forever. I need to give you an important

warning first. Please don't skip this...

Here's Why People Fail To Lose Weight

Everyone wants to change their body BEFORE their mind. They want the

fat loss pill. They want the easy diet. They want the miracle machine

to burn the pounds away.

Join our unique community.

They support you. You support them.
This means...
* NO fad diets
* NO weight loss pills
* NO miracle exercise machines
This is what you've been looking for, right?

Revealed At Last: The ProHealthMind Members Community

So, if you're serious about losing weight with us, and feeling very sexy, then please act now before we have to close the doors to new members. We want you to join us inside...Join Now!

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