Monday, September 22, 2008

Diet And Exercise Tips for Getting Six Pack Abs

Getting six pack abs is all about what you eat. No matter how hard you workout, or how many ab crunches you do in the gym, how on earth do you think you can look at your six pack abs in the mirror if there is a thick layer of fat covering those strong abdominals?

This question should spread like a virus in to the minds of people who work on the cardio machine like it is the only to way to get six pack abs, and also in to the minds of people who eat nothing but air all day hoping that the abs will magically get flat and strong.

How long do you have the patience to do all these things and then realize that you are doing everything wrong? Getting six pack abs is about being smart. You have a brain! USE IT!

I am going to show you some simple diet and exercise tips that will help you get on track and actually help you in getting six pack abs super fast.

# Focus on building muscle

If you are going to the gym, have you noticed that the fat people consistently stick to the cardio machines while the physically fit stick to the free weights?

Doesn't this simple logic hit your head? It's simple to understand that the more muscle you have, the more energy your body requires to maintain that muscle mass. How does your body get this energy? CALORIES!

So what does this mean? Your body burns more calories for energy to maintain that muscle mass. Do you get my point here? I hope you do.

# Eat 5 meals a day!

You need to eat every 2.5 to 3.5 hours or your body triggers starvation mode, which means, your metabolic rate will slow down and your body will start storing fat instead of burning them for energy. In order to avoid this, you need to divide your meals so that you can avoid starvation at all costs.

# Eat protein and fiber in every meal!

In order to get the most out of your meals, you need to eat more fiber rich carbohydrates like Oats, Fruits and Vegetables.

You also need to eat protein in every meal because protein has the highest thermic effect of all foods. The body burns more calories to actually digest the protein, and it also helps maintain muscle in your body.

# Eat healthy fats

That's right! In order to get six pack abs in the fastest time possible, you actually need to healthy fats like Omega 3 fatty acids, Olive Oil and nuts like Almonds.

# Avoid Processed Foods at all Costs!

I have explained to you some of the most important changes you need to make in order to start seeing results within two weeks! If you follow these tips, you will be way on your way to burn fat, build lean muscle and get rock hard six pack abs in the fastest time you could possibly imagine!

Do you want to take your fat loss to the next step? If you want a complete step by step program with workouts and effective diet plans to help you get six pack abs very fast, then click the link below to read my review on;

The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Fat Loss 4 Idiots Program

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