Friday, September 12, 2008

Top Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

If you're anything like me, you've no doubt tried pretty much every diet out there but with little or no success. Why is it that so many diets fail? So many "weight loss gurus" still preach the myth that dieting by eating less will result in weight loss. In the real world when we restrict our food intake we could actually gain weight instead of losing it. We are designed to interpret less food intake with starvation. By restricting our food intake we send our body into starvation preservation mode.

All the weight loss studies show that normal weight and healthy people usually eat foods that are made up from lots of complex carbohydrates (like veggies, cereals etc) and people who are overweight consume diets that are high in fat and simple carbs. Being able to interpret what these studies tell us about which factors contribute to weight loss is crucial when creating a weight loss program. One of the best ways to lose weight fast is to adopt a low carb diet where you restrict the total amount of simple carbs you consume every day, but are not too concerned about the other foods. You still need to make sure you don't overeat, by keeping your portion sizes down, and ensuring you get the right proportion of healthy and nutritious foods which should also be low in saturated fats.

Chances are there are habits that contributed to the weight gain and the weight gradually crept up over time rather than overnight. Because it took a long time to gain the weight, it's likely to take some time to get back to your healthy weight as well. People who haven't figured out the balance between eating the right foods, getting lots of water, getting regular exercise and getting plenty of sleep are easy prey to the "weight loss gurus" pushing the new fad diet, diet pill or quick weight loss plan. It's not hard to find these fad or celebrity weight loss plans and diet pills. Because we've been brought up to want and expect everything delivered to us yesterday, it's very easy to believe that there indeed magic weight loss pills to take the weight off very quickly, than to believe that we have the capability to re-structure our lives and live a healthier and longer life where being overweight and unhealthy is the thing of the past.

Diets will fail because they do not encourage a balance within your body. Most diets simply don't work because some are designed towards making the promoter or some company rich instead of producing a diet plan or program that will genuinely aid an individual to lose weight.

Everybody is telling us that individuals who are obese are at increased risk of diseases and other serious health conditions due to obesity. Too much fat in your diet is one of the main contributors to unneeded body fat.

For too many years people have been instructed that they need to deprive themselves of food or rigorously count calories in the hope that they will lose weight. The truth of the matter is that our bodies know perfectly well how to manage weight assuming that we give our bodies what is needed it needs to stay healthy - like making sure you get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, wholesome and nutritious foods, and regular exercise.

Losing weight is not simply about calorie counting, you also need to avoid eating in excess. Healthy portions of nutritious foods are vital to losing weight. It's also important that you get plenty of exercise. Our bodies were made to move!

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