Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How does the bridal diet work?


Your wedding day is going to be one of the most important days of your life. It's the most important day or your life, when all eyes are on you. Of course, you'll want to look your very best on this day of all days, when you are the centre of attention. You'll put a lot of effort and money into making sure that every aspect of your appearance is perfect. But what if your dress is a little tighter that it was when you attended your last fitting? A bridal diet is what you need.

There are hundreds of diet and exercise plans out there and some of them work well but if your wedding is only a month or two away then you will need a highly targeted plan that is designed to keep you on track and consistently losing several pounds every week, right up to the big day itself.

You require a bridal diet that you can follow easily and that doesn't fill your head with unnecessary information. In the run up to your wedding you're going to be very busy, so you wan't want to get distracted by worrying about your diet and eating plan.

It isn’t your fault either – in the weeks up to your wedding there is bound to be a number of parties, hen nights and other celebrations and it is easy to take your eye off the ball and a few pounds can easily go on without your even noticing.

So your bridal diet that is going to help you lose weight for your wedding needs to be simple and straightforward, undemanding in terms of time and able to put you in the right frame of mind for what is bound to be a somewhat stressful build up to your wedding.

What is the big difficulty when it comes to losing weight. How come it's so hard to do, even when we have a clear target to aim for?

We need to be aware of the fact that our digestive systems developed in ecosystems where food was much, much more scarce than it is today. So, our alimentary canal is designed to draw as much energy as it can out of every meal. Also, we prefer high calorie foods because these are the foods that will give us the best chance of survival in a world of low food availablity. And that is the reason why we prefer fried chicken to a bowl of muesli.

An effective bridal diet must therefore reverse these natural tendencies and reduce calorie intake without causing cravings or any other problems.

And if we understand what our body is doing with the food we eat, ten at least we have a chance of implementing our weight loss plan.

Diet plans and clubs come and go but if you have a target date to work towards then you need a bridal diet that focuses on that date and get you working consistently towards it.

If you're looking for a highly targeted plan that will help you shed 10 pounds in just 14 days, then you can't do better than Strip That Fat - it's specifically designed to deal with short-term dieting targets and it worked wonders for my two daughters when they decided to lose a few pounds for their wedding (they had a double wedding and I can't tell you how proud it made me to see them looking so slim and beautiful on their special day).


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