Friday, September 26, 2008

Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss solution

I know this may sound rather annoying, but I lose body fat kind of as a pastime. I’ve gotten so good at it, that sometimes I do it just for fun.

However, I want you to know I couldn’t always do this. I failed at permanent fat loss for over 30 plus years. However, now that I know how simple it is to lose weight permanently- once you know how- I’m filled with permanent fat loss success advice.

So here’s my can't lose tips for permanent fat loss:

To get started, just forget diet and weight loss products. These are guaranteed to waste your time and money when it comes to permanent weight loss success. If you need proof, just look at the facts:  Nearly two out of three Americans are overweight or obese while spending forty billion dollars every year on weight loss products.

What more proof do you need?

Permanent weight loss is a skill you need to learn. It’s sort of like learning how to ride a bike. It’s a little awkward at first, but once you go through the trial and error to learn how, fat loss success becomes simple- and you know how to permanently keep weight off for as long as you choose .

Here's the only key to permanent weight loss:

There is only ONE permanent fat loss solution: You have to use more calories than you eat. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. Anybody that tells you anything different is only out for your money. 

You probably already knew that. Most people know what they should do. So then why do so many people fail- no matter how many permanent weight loss ideas, techniques, or secrets they hear about? They simply refuse to do what actually works.

That brings us to the the real “secret” to permanent fat loss:

You have to shift your habits from bad ones that are causing you to gain weight over to better habits that cause you to drop it. That’s it. However, that is where everyone drops the ball. They either try weight loss short cuts that can’t work permanently- like diets, pills, patches, etc. Or they do what works, but they give up before their new weight loss habits have time to work permanently.

Permanent fat loss can be made simple, IF we just take the time to learn what works for us when it comes to changing our habits. Remember, nothing else will work. So if you want to lose fat naturally and permanently, you need to learn how to do it the way it works for you. NOT the way it works for the fitness professional on TV. I finally lost all the weight I wanted at fifty years old. I am not athletic. I never starved myself. You can see my results here. No, I didn't paste my head on someone eles's body.

Allow me to give you an example. It took me 3 months to give up the habit of drinking cola. But since I was looking for a permanent weight loss solution, I knew those sodas  had to go. So I had to work on that habit. First I stopping keeping Pepsi in the house. Then I cut back to smaller amounts when eating out. Then I said only on weekends. Then I quit cold turkey. Now, I can’t stand the taste of soda, it’s too sweet.

Do you see my permanent weight loss “secret?” I had to learn how to change that fat gain habit- drinking too much soda- over to a fat loss habit- drinking water or tea. This is why so many people fail at permeant fat loss. They refuse to change their weight gain habits. But this is what you need to do. A permanent fat loss solution is in your habits, not in shortcuts you buy as pills or herbs.

Remember about 200 million people have already proven there are no short cuts or special secrets to permanent weight loss. Don’t waste your effort proving it again.

This ties right into my next permanent weight loss tip:

If a lack of activity is causing you to gain weight, you have to change that old habit over to a new habit that will cause you to lose weight. But don’t try something that’s so hard you'll give up. You can start with walking like I me. It doesn't matter what you do. There are hundreds of ways to successfully lose weight permanently. You just have to stick with what works until you develop your own permanent weight loss solution.

I feel so much better that I wrote an ebook on how anyone can learn how to change their fat gain habits too. Since changing the habits is the key to permanent fat loss, there’s no calorie charts or workouts in my book. You can get free fat loss info anywhere. My weight loss solution is simple: Identify the bad habits, and one at a time, change them to the good habits that I spell out in four steps. It works because it’s a simple and permanent weight loss solution. And simple is easy. 

I call it getting a new body and new life. The goods news is, it works for anyone. All you need is the willingness to learn. Check it out, and get started on your new body and life today. I promise you that making the effort to change those bad habits will take your life places you never imagined.

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