Monday, September 8, 2008

5 Tips On How To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Do you wish to lose 15 pounds fast? Would that be pounds of fat, water or muscle?

Did you know that most people when they talk about losing weight, don't really know what exactly they are talking about. Most people automatically connect weight with fat, but that's not accurate.

If the scale readout at the end is the most important part for you, then it probably doesn't matter if you lose fat, muscle or water. If you want to lose that extra bulge around your middle, then you're looking to lose 15 pounds of fat fast.

If your goal is to lose fat instead of just pounds, it is important for you to know that water makes up a part of that weight loss. Indeed, during the first one or two days of any diet, the main part of the weight loss will be water.

Numerous websites are claiming that they are able to reveal to you how to lose 15 pounds fast. What they don't always tell you is that losing weight fast can be dangerous to your health. Actually, it all depends what you view to be 'fast'. For some people, a month would be fast while others see it as something more immediately, like a few days or a week.

The most realistic goal would be to lose 15 pounds in a month, because that's far more achievable. However, it can be risky if you don't approach your weight loss correctly.

If you want to lose 15 pounds fast, it can't be all water, which is the easiest to shed. It is not possible for your body to stay alive without water. Take away the water and it will die.

Starvation or near starvation isn't the answer either. In fact, not eating will cause your body to retain and even gain weight. Not giving the body essential nutrients, will result in warnings going off. In a desperate effort to survive, it hangs onto everything you feed it, which adds weight.

You need to eat foods like fish or meat which needs a great deal of energy to digest to lose 15 pounds fast. Probably now you will think that you should eat nothing but meat or fish, but I wouldn't recommend that either, as this option is not very healthy either. Your body needs a well-rounded diet that provides all the required nutrients. A well balanced diet and losing weight can go hand in hand, you only need to know what foods are the right ones to eat. Before starting your weight loss plan, take measurements of your body including your weight and fat content. To measure the body fat content you can use special calipers, which are often part of tool kits available at weight loss centers.

Below are 5 key points which will help you to lose 15 pounds fast:

1) Avoid foods that cause water retention, like salt. Cut back on salt and you'll begin to shed weight.

2) Always eat 4-6 small portions daily, instead of 3 big ones - this will help your body's digestive system to work correctly.

3) Try to add raw foods to your diet, which require more energy for your body to digest.

4) Give your metabolism a boost with drinking water (ideally more then 8 glasses) throughout the day.

5) Additional to your weight loss plan, exercise frequently to develop muscles, as muscle tissue burns more energy, which in turn causes you to lose weight.

Don't forget to take measures of your weight and body every other week and if you don't see any results, make adjustments to your weight loss plan.

You can lose 15 pounds fast if you stay with your plan and don't give up, no matter what!

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