Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easy to Follow Fat Loss Plan

Losing fat is always on everyone’s mind, but when it comes to putting the fat loss plan in action most of us back off because we aren’t game enough to follow it. Losing fat not only makes us look better but also makes our body’s health condition better as well. When we start to lose fat, we are stepping into the realm of living a normal healthy life. After all, health is wealth, isn’t it? There are 5 easy steps to follow a fat loss plan.

For the first step, you need to understand how committed you should be to follow these easy fat loss plans and make sure your mind and body are ready to take this important step to come closer to a fat free, healthy life.

Then we come to the second and not so difficult step, working out. You should start setting up a schedule for daily long walks in the morning. You could also take up a sport like tennis so that you can start moving your body for a change. Another tip is to stop using your car as often as you used to do and start walking short distances like going to the store. A little exercise never killed anyone so you should stop putting it off. The more you work out the more unwanted fat you end up losing in the process of exercising.

You can also consider going to a gym if you think you are up to it. Remember, starting is always fun, continuing it isn’t always as fun. So, if you’re going to work out, please make sure that you will do it everyday, because if you aren’t going to, the work out sessions you do put in won’t have as much effect on your body. You need to workout everyday without fail if you want to kiss your fat goodbye. We bet that following this step in the fat loss plan is easier than you expected.

Now we come to step 3, where we need to get rid of all the fattening food in your refrigerator and replace it with lean protein like fresh fish, which is rich in the highest quality of naturally occurring protein that can be found. Also, chicken, lean beef, nuts and low fat dairy products are also good sources of protein for our body, so add them into your diet as well.

Besides protein, you need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. The more greens you eat the healthier you will be. Most vegetables are 100% natural and fat free. They also give your body loads of vitamins, minerals and fiber, and at the same time bring down your calorie intake.

For step 4, you might want to start drinking green tea. It is famous for increasing your metabolism and burning body fat, even when you don’t increase your daily exercise. This means that you’ll burn more calories at rest when you add green tea to your everyday diet.

Then we come to step 5. This one is the best one, make sure you get sufficient rest, and make sure to sleep well. Plenty of rest will make sure that your body doesn’t store unnecessary fat. It also gives you the energy to get through your day and exercise. Now wasn’t that an easy to follow fat loss plan?

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

Affordable Fat Loss Solutions

We take turns spending hours at the gym and starving ourselves to lose weight. Yet the moment we eat something, our weight seems to be back again! This is because what we are losing here is not fat, but only weight. And the two of them are not the same! You need to cut down fat to get that hour glass figure. Of course, that is more easily said than done. There are many ways to lose fat – even surgery helps you to remove fat masses from your body. There are numerous expensive diets, pills and other cosmetic ways to cut fat. However, if you’re looking for an affordable fat loss solution, this article will give you just that.

You might not actually start out with six pack abs, but I’m guessing you won’t mind if you end up with them. So, how do you get there? The body is programmed to use body fat as the last reserve for energy. However, what you need to do to lose fat is trick your body to release this fat first. It’s never easy to change your body’s programming, yet with a little perseverance you can surely win the battle against all odds. All you really need are a few effective and affordable fat loss solutions.

Changing your food habits is the best way to lose fat effectively, without starvation diets and tons of heavy exercise. In fact, if you starve your body, it will immediately try to create more fat reserves. Obviously, this is the last thing you want to do. So the solution is to make a permanent change in your food pattern. Don’t completely stop eating foods that contain fat. Instead, limit the amount that you take in. Similarly, you should also limit the sugar-rich foods and high glycemic index foods like refined carbs.

Another important fat loss solution is to try to eat five to six small meals a day rather than huge meals two or three times a day. This way you can stop the habit of stuffing yourself at meal time. Remember that with smaller servings, the stomach will shrink, which means you will feel fuller faster and get more time to burn the fat. Also once you have eaten what your body needs, the excess is stored by the body as fat. So, make sure your portion sizes aren’t too large. Another fat loss solution you can use everyday is to stop eating at least two hours before you retire to bed. Otherwise your body will tend to store more fat while you sleep.

During your meals, you should try to eat slowly as the stomach requires at least 20 minutes to signal the brain that it’s full. To avoid unnecessary fat, eat foods that are rich in nutrients and energy – like vegetables and protein rich foods. Go easy on starchy foods like rice, pasta, potatoes etc. You may have them daily if you like. However, try to reduce the quantity of their intake. And remember that dairy and meat also contain a lot of fat. One last rule, allow yourself a treat once in a while – say once a week – so you won’t feel depressed and sad over having to change your diet.

These are the most affordable fat loss solutions. While these fat loss solutions don’t require you to workout in the gym for hours, you can see even better fat loss results when coupled with moderate daily exercise. Lose the fat today and feel healthier and happier!

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

A Super Simple Low Carbohydrate Diet Menu For Fat Loss

The thought of following a low carbohydrate diet menu may sound dull, but if you've certain plans in mind it can be exciting and full of fun. There are tons of healthy alternatives to the foods you like most. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy and eating them is not really a bad thing. But you have to choose between the good and bad carbohydrates in your diet plan. As long as you know the right foods that you can include in your diet plan you can definitely enjoy a low carbohydrate diet menu for long time.

A perfect planning and setting a goal can help you a lot to improve your overall health. The first step is to add in foods that are low carbohydrate that are simple to follow. In case if you're out for a party at your friends houses you must not feel awkward because there are plenty of options available for you. You just need to eat more vegetables to kill your appetite and stay clear from high sugar junk foods. You can also eat almonds, nuts and meat. Now a days, many parties serve low carbohydrate foods like shrimps, meat, cold cuts and sashimi.

Many restaurants today also offers few dishes that are low in carbohydrates, hence there will be no difficulty in following your diet plan. As a matter a fact, Carl’s Junior fast food restaurant offers low carb sandwiches where instead of using bread as wraps, they use large salad leaves. You can also order soup or just order a steak with vegetables instead of French fires. There are options out there. You just need to control your appetite. Your diet plan can still work because you have got plenty of options even you go out for a party or restaurants or away from home.

At homes you can start the day with a healthy breakfast. You can eat boiled eggs, whole-wheat cereals, sprouts, low-fat cheese, bacon etc. You can make omelet and drink low fat milk or high protein shake. Again, it is very important to choose easily breakfast choices. Choose more complex carbohydrate foods in your meals. The options are plenty; you can choose brown rice instead of white rice. Make your low carbohydrate diet menu full of legumes like beans, peas, and peanuts and whole grains. Legumes and whole grains are high in fiber and proteins. If you like non-vegetarian foods you can eat meat, fish and eggs. Stay away from processed meat and seafood like mussels and oysters.

Now you can choose your favorite low carbohydrate foods and try to eat it at regular intervals. Also, you need to avoid the unhealthy snacks and remove them permanently from your low carbohydrate diet menu. Instead eat leafy vegetables as your snacks and eat them anytime you feel like eating. It's also great idea to pack them in sandwich bags and consume them whenever you feel hungry. Such snacks are way better for weight loss compare to foods like burgers, hot dogs, cookies and can help you mantain a healthy life.

Well, there are many low carbohydrate foods out there and you surely can lose body fat with it. Over consumption of carbohydrates can lead to obesity and weight gain. Hence it’s important for you to choose the right carbohydrates and carry on with it to maintain healthy life.

A low carbohydrate diet menu does not restrict you from eating; instead you can eat as much you want till you’re full. Just make sure you choose the right type of carbohydrate that is low glycemic and have a diet plan ready. Follow it for first few days and if you are comfortable, you can even follow it for rest of your life. I guess with so many low carbohydrate foods that you can lay your hands on, there will be no reason for you to give yourself excuses that it is tough. You can lose nothing but only weight.

Tony Leong has helped many people lose weight and control their appetite. Get your top weight loss secrets info here where you can download his free weight loss e-book for a limited time only!

The Best Way to Lose Weight

There is a best way to lose weight, it's the way the works best for you. There are hundreds of ways to lose weight. If you go about it the right way: Safely, naturally, and permanently- it doesn't matter exactly how you do it.

First remember there is ONLY ONE WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT THAT WORKS: You have to use upmore calories that you consume. The preferred way to do this is to slowly take it off by creating a small daily calorie deficit.

If you want to lose weight in best way possible, this is the way to do it. Mostly because this is the ONLY way it works. Anyone that says you don't have to do this, is only trying to sell you a useless shortcut.

If with you're with me so far, your far ahead of most people. Why? Because few people want the total truth when it comes to the best ways to lose weight. So my number one weight loss tip when it comes to natural weight loss: ONLY DO WHAT WORKS- or don't waste your time. Doing what does not work only makes you think safe, healthy, and permanent weight loss is impossible. So you give up trying completely, and that's the very worst thing that can happen.

Weight loss is a lot like trying to learn any new skill, like learning how to ride a bike. The slowest and most frustrating part in the very beginning. After that, it's easy. You can learn the best way to lose weight [the way it works for you] in a great new e-book, New Body New Life. It comes with a sixty day money back guarantee.

To begin, take a very honest look at what you eat and how active you are. If you eat junk food all day and drink several liters of soda- and refuse to stop doing that- natural and safe weight loss will never happen. Why? Because you are attempting the impossible.

Do you see how to find the best way to lose weight for you?

You need to first identify, then change the HABITS that are causing you to gain weight, over to NEW HABITS that cause you to lose it. Nothing else will work when to comes to natural weight loss.

Unfortunately, your mind will often lie right to your face! It will often tell you to eat that
bag of chips. However, what your mind says is often not the best way to succeed at weight loss.

So what's the best solution to making weight loss work?

You start with the mind. When you ask; how can I lose weight, remember this: Weight loss is 99% mental. You need to learn how to change those no good habits over to good habits. You have to stop doing what doesn't work- and start doing what does. Honet weight loss information is everywhere! The information is NOT the problem. Putting the information to work is the problem.

And here's what does work:

Step 1: Get honest about what actally works. You can't fix your weight gain habits if you refuse to see them.

Step 2: Clean up what you eat.

Step 3: Get some exercise.

Step 4: Take a little positive action and get started.

If you follow these four steps until they become your new habits, you will be able to
choose your weight right down to the pound.

The important thing is to take an honest look at the habits that are causing weight gain, and one at a time [or all at once] address them- and don't give up until those new habits are part of your new life.

If you can easily change your habits, you're all set. If changing 10, 20, or 30 years of less than ideal habits is going to be a challenge, I highly recommend you read New Body New Life. It is not a diet or workout book.

It's a guidebook that teaches you how to determine the best way to lose weight that works for you.

This new book teaches you how to do the only thing that makes permanent weight loss really possible: Changing your daily habits.

So you really have nothing to lose by taking a good look. After you read it, if you honestly don't think it provides you with the best healthy, natural, and permanent weight loss solution currently available, The author will refund your money, no questions asked. And you get to keep the book- and all the bonuses that come with it. That's how confident he is that finding a unique personal weight loss solution will be your best way to lose weight.

The Facts About Lap Band Surgery You Need To Consider

Lap Band surgery is becoming the number one solution to the overweight epidemic. There are over one billion people worldwide who carry excess weight and three hundred million of those are considered obese. It is an epidemic that affects all aspects of your life. From your psychological well being to your physical well being, being overweight complicates your life. If you have tried countless exercise programs and diets but have had no success, then it may be time to consider weight loss surgery options.

Lap band surgery is reporting great results. The Lap Band system is a much easier surgery and offers fewer complications than either the Biliopancreatic Diversion surgery or the laparoscopic Roux en Y surgery. There is generally less of a hospital stay and the Lap Band success ratio is extremely high, when compared to the previous types of weight loss surgeries.

If you have tried several of the traditional top 10 diets without success and you are considering the Lap Band procedure, then there are a few things you have to keep in mind. The first is that it will mean a dietary change for life. There are a number of do's and don'ts with this type of surgery. You have to constantly be mindful of what type of food you are placing in your body. Instead of three meals a day, you will most likely be eating small, three ounce meals, ten to twelve times daily.

The second thing to consider is that there are Lap Band complications. This will most likely occur in the first few weeks as patients try to learn and adapt to their low diet. Overfilling the stomach is the number one complication for most patients. They simply do not take into account that the stomach pouch is one-third the size it used to be. So there will not be any gorging at Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

The third thing to consider, post surgery, is that you still have to exercise. This is not some miracle cure that will happen overnight. You will still need to exercise in order to keep your heart and the rest of your bodily systems healthy. The surgery may work as a weight loss cure but you will still need to follow a diet and exercise regime.

The last factor to consider is that even with exercise you may still be facing plastic surgery after weight loss. You will be losing roughly half of your body weight. This is going to leave a lot of extra skin that you do not want hanging on your new figure. Lap Band surgery is a complete change of lifestyle, yet you will need to exercise and adhere to a special gastric bypass diet. But if you can stick to it, then you will be the weight you have always dreamed of.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Successful Ways to Lose Fat

Every day we see better and more innovative ways to lose fat. But how many of them are actually worth the effort? Some of them may seem too expensive while others don’t show quick results. Rather than just losing some pounds, you need to actually shed that fat mass which is stored beneath your skin as your reserve energy. We don’t actually need this energy now, as we have a very comfortable lifestyle and don’t have to worry about our food supply. So, let’s look at some ways to lose fat.

Since ancient ages, people have been trying to find that ultimate fat loss secret. In the process, many unhealthy habits developed in trying to lose fat. While it is still a common belief, you don’t need to start starving yourself to lose fat. In fact, cutting out on food in the wrong manner could actually lead you to put on more weight, as your body will actually start to store up any fat it does get. There are now so many better diet solutions that could help you to lose your unwanted fat.

A ketogenic diet is useful for rapid weight loss. This diet cuts off your carbohydrate foods for a specific time period before reviving it again using different variations – like you can make a shift from carb rich foods to protein rich foods and vice versa in a cyclic fashion or use targeted days when you eat carb rich foods and days when you don’t eat them at all! There are many other diets which you can use as well. Focusing your diet on foods that burn fat like high fiber breads, chicken, garlic, green beans, eggs, asparagus, cabbage, ball peppers, fresh juice and vegetables is always a good idea!

Intense workouts with plenty of water intake are the next method. There is no doubt that your metabolism increases with the increase in your daily activities. Regular and proper exercises are the way to beat the fat deposits that are holding onto your body. This will also give you an overall health improvement.

There are also natural ways to lose weight. For this you need to stick to a diet that is rich in complex carbohydrates, moderate in proteins, high in fiber and low in fat. With this you need to perform exercises that will build your muscles. You should also walk, run or do other cardio exercises for losing your fat. Make sure you keep track of the food you eat daily to calculate the calorie intake. In time, this technique works to kill the fat hidden in your body. Make sure that you get into a regular routine where you follow the natural weight loss method consistently.

Some studies have shown that hypnosis has helped in weight loss. This tool can help you in executing good diet plans as it gives you the needed will power to go through the entire schedule without cheating on it. Today there are also weight loss spas that help you lose weight while you vacation! They help you relax with massages, aromatherapy etc. while you lose your fat with their fat loss management techniques. Finally there are also fat loss supplements that act as dietary supplements to help you burn fat.

These are just a few of the ways you can lose fat. You can choose any of these methods and in extreme cases, even surgical fat removal is possible. However, you should choose cheaper, safer, and more natural home remedies whenever possible to get your self in shape again!

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

5 Steps for Quick Fat Loss Results

Have you been pursuing various diet plans without any fat loss results? Remember that most fat loss programs include dietary changes, which hardly work without corresponding changes in your lifestyle. For many of us leading sedentary lives, such changes may seem quite difficult to follow. Yes, it may be true that you can lose five pounds right away by only drinking water for an entire day, but these desperate measures don’t give you long lasting fat loss results. What you need to do is take steps that will ensure quick fat loss results that even others will be able to notice!

The first step is no doubt bringing about a change in your dietary pattern. Start out by eating less. Measure out your body weight in lbs and multiply it by 16. The resulting figure should be the amount of calories your body needs to sustain its current weight. Then cut down your calorie intake by 500 calories every day. If you do this, at the end of a week, you could lose one pound of fat. Be careful not to cut your calories too much though. Diets very low in calories are not easy to follow for long periods of time.

The second step is to start building muscle. Gaining muscle will help you to burn more calories throughout the day. So, make sure that your diet and exercise routine is designed to remove only fat not muscle from your system. For this you need to remember to get plenty of protein daily so that your body can build and maintain muscle. You should also eat every three hours and make sure that you don’t starve yourself and your muscles get the nutrients they need.

The third step is giving your body enough rest time. Getting around 7 – 9 hours of sleep each night is ideal. A loss of sleep sometimes triggers an increase in appetite. This in turn means a loss of metabolism rate in the body. Making sure your body has plenty of rest will also help you have more energy to exercise everyday. Obviously, the more you can exercise, the more fat you can lose.

The fourth step is to get tons of exercise like swimming, jogging, sports and such things that will help you burn more calories than what you consume. Try to reduce your rest periods while doing work outs. This will help you increase your metabolism. Only then can you see fat loss results. Make sure you choose exercises that you enjoy since it will be easier to stick with them.

Finally, the fifth step is to try and keep the self confidence that you need to retain throughout the plan. Sticking to the plan may not seem as easy as you thought. However, if you keep looking at the results you’ve already achieved at periodic intervals, you are sure to get the required boost to carry on.

These are 5 easy steps you can follow to see fat loss results. The majority of these steps are all geared towards increasing your metabolism rate in order to strip off excess body fat. If you keep following them, you’ll soon have the body you’ve always wanted.

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

Do Carb Blockers Work – Phrase 2 Carb Blocker Pills

Nowadays, there are so many weight loss products on the market it can be difficult to determine whether it works to help you lose weight. One such category of weight loss supplements is carb blockers. So do carb blockers really work?

Carb blockers are really gaining momentum as people are now ready to give them a try to combat with their weight problems. However, the question that most of these people do ask is about the functionality of these carb blockers.

Carb blockers work by blocking carbohydrates from being absorbed by your body.
Carbohydrates are one of the important components that our body needs to perform optimally. It is found in starchy products such as flour, rice, bread and cakes.

Our body converts these carbohydrates in sugar or glucose. However, foods containing starch are considered to be complex carbohydrates and when they are not being used, it is stored in your body as fat deposits. These days, we consume far more carbohydrates than we expend so there´s the reason why so many people are obese or overweight.

Carb Blockers such as Dietrine phrase 2 carb blocker pills will stop carbohydrates from being turned into fat. It helps to neutralize the digestive enzyme alpha amylase that is responsible for converting starch into glucose. The carbohydrates are then safely pass out of your body as waste.

Recently studies have shown that phrase 2 carb blockers can help obese or overweight patients lose nearly half a pound per week or 200% more than those on placebo.

Another important advantage is that phrase 2 blockers are natural and dervived from white kidney beans, so they have very little side effects compared to traditional weight loss medicine.

If you have a sweet tooth and likes to eat cakes and pasta, a phrase 2 carb blocker can help you stay healthy and still enjoy the great foods.

Click here to check out my Dietrine carb blocker review and learn whether is dietrine carb blocker scam.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Surgical Weight Loss With Lap Band Surgery Brings Impressive Results

There are a lot of weight loss methods on the market today. You can have prescribed medication that curbs your appetite and gives you a boost of energy. You can try any number of the fad diets that involve no carbohydrates or eating soup every day. But, if you have tried these methods and none are working, then you may need to look at a surgical weight loss process as the answer to your dilemma.

Surgical weight loss methods are not for everyone. You must have a real need in order to be approved for this type of weight loss program. One of the available programs out on the market is the Lap Band procedure and it has gained in popularity in recent years for a number of reasons. During the surgery, a specially trained Lap Band surgeon will place an adjustable gastric band around the upper portion of the stomach.

The adjustable gastric band is designed so that a small pouch is created. The food will enter the mouth, travel through the esophagus and be deposited in this small pouch. The gastric Lap Band is designed so that you feel fuller faster and are unable to stretch out the stomach with overeating. The success rate of this form of surgery continues to climb as more surgeons are learning the procedure. Most patients can lose over fifty percent of their pre-operative body weight. That is a phenomenal weight loss cure. The results are not as fast as those for other gastric bypass surgeries but you cannot argue with the Lap Band success rate.

So what makes this procedure preferred over the traditional bariatric surgeries? It is far less invasive. You do not have to worry about a lengthy recovery nor do you have to stay for a long period of time in the hospital. The average stay for a patient is less than forty-eight hours. This surgery is often the one preferred by insurance companies because it involves less recovery time and is less expensive than other weight loss surgeries performed in the past.

If you find that diet and exercise is just not working for you, then it may be time to consider surgical weight loss as the alternative. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy the procedure is on you. Plus, you have the added knowledge that at any time the surgery can be reversed. Other bariatric surgeries cannot claim that. Go ahead and check out the gastric Lap Band surgery. It may be just what you are looking for.

No matter what your surgeon tells you, no surgery is risk free including lap band surgery so make sure you have given one of the better diet plans a full chance of success. If you haven't yet tried a diet plan, be sure to pick one from the top 10 diets chart. To make the chart a diet plan has to have proven itself and already have a large following of satisfied dieters. Learn more about the Top 10 Diets as an alternative to lap band surgery by clicking here.

Lap Band Surgery - is it Right for Me?

The Lap Band procedure may be unfamiliar to you. Lap Band surgery is a recent weight loss option that has many people excited about how much weight they can potentially shed. If you are significantly overweight and meet the surgery requirements, then it may be the ideal weight loss option for you. However, before you agree to use the Lap Band system you have to be informed of all the requirements and nutritional guidelines associated with the surgery. It is successful if it is combined with the right diet and exercise program. You will lose the weight.

In June of 2001, the Lap Band surgery option was approved for use in the United States. The Lap Band system works by using an adjustable gastric band to make a small stomach pouch, thus partitioning off the rest of the stomach. The band can be tightened or loosened depending on the weight loss stage. With a smaller stomach, one that can only hold about two to four ounces of food, you will fill up quicker and become apathetic to eating more. You simply will not feel the urge to eat more because of the full feeling.

During the procedure, Lap Band patients are given general anesthesia. The next step is for the bariatric surgeon to make five two to three inch incisions in the abdomen. These small incisions allow the doctor to work with a scope rather than being forced to make a larger incision. The smaller incisions mean that there is less recovery time and the healing process is much faster than with past, invasive, weight loss cure surgeries.

After the lap band procedure is finished you will be wheeled into a recovery room. The expected hospital stay is only two to three days depending on how well you recover. After you have awakened from the anesthesia and are coherent there will be a visit from a nutritionist. You will have to follow their rules. There will be many changes in your dietary lifestyle that are important in order for you to stay healthy and lose weight.

You need to prepare for your lifestyle to change forever. You have to make fundamental changes in order to maintain weight loss and keep yourself healthy. This means being mindful of what you eat and how often you eat. There will be some foods that you previously loved that will be off limits to you. You have to concentrate on the quality of the food you eat, as well as the quantity. So throw away those empty calories and put more protein into your diet. It also means that caffeine is a definite thing you must avoid.

Hopefully, with dietary changes and exercise, you will be one of the Lap Band patients to enjoy tremendous success. No longer will you be ashamed of being overweight. The Lap Band surgery will truly change your life if you follow the regime of your doctor and nutritionist.

All surgery comes with a risk so its always advisable to exhaust all other avenues first. Try a diet plan that has a proven track record and as reached the top 10 diet chart.

Learn more about the Top 10 Diets as an alternative to lap band surgery by clicking here.

How to Shop to Lose Weight

By changing your shopping habits, you can lose weight and eat healthier. These tips will get your started.

Do a Perimeter Search

Grocery stores are designed in a way that makes it easy to eat healthier.

For the most part, the healthier, non-processed foods are on the outer perimeter of the store aisles. Milk, breads, meats, fruits, and vegetables are all located in this area. The inner aisles are jam-packed with processed foods such as cookies, sodas, crackers, and ice cream.

To shop smart, stay on the outer aisles while only venturing into the inner aisles when you have a specific item in mind. No mindless wandering! This can lead to impulse purchases that can impact your waistline.

Make a List

Making a list can also help you avoid waist-expanding choices. Before you leave home, make a list of all of the items you need at the grocery store and stick to it.

The good news is that if you're prone to emotional eating, you can take steps to regain control of your eating habits and get back on track with your weight-loss goals.

Read Labels

Even if you try to stick to the healthier items, you can still be purchasing foods that are less than the best. Make sure to read the Nutrition Facts labels on the back of the packages. Foods that scream "Made with Whole Grains" may only have one gram of fiber, for example. Check the serving size, too, and make sure that the calories per serving are within your eating budget.

Use these shopping tips and you are sure to drop pounds. Ebooks such as No Nonsense Muscle Building can help you learn more about how to get healthier and eat better.

The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website,

Five Habits That Can Contribute To Being Overweight

Is your lifestyle contributing to your weight gain? For healthy people – weight gain is caused by simply consuming more calories than you burn. Unfortunately for most of us, our healthy lifestyle education comes in the form of a blaring commercial that is trying to convince us that eating this "lite" food or using that "miracle exercise machine" will lead to a healthy fitness lifestyle!

In truth, a healthy, lean lifestyle takes effort and education. Hopefully, this advice on these five bad habits will get you started on a path to meet your weight loss goals.

  1. Skipping meals and then overeating when you make time to eat. Skipping meals leads to blood sugar fluctuations, moodiness, and fatigue. Habitually skipping meals also causes you to eat more when you do find the time for it. You feel extremely hungry after you skipped your meal so you "binge" and then feel worse. Try to eat healthy meals and snacks at regular intervals or eat small portions throughout the day.
  2. Not moving your body. The body is designed to move. Period. A regular fitness schedule can brighten your day and actually give you more energy once you get used to it. Daily activity prevents muscle atrophy and any movement (walking, doing dishes, cleaning, playing with the kids, etc) is better than no movement.
  3. Drinking cola or sugar drinks when you are thirsty. Soda is about 150 empty calories filled with sugar and caffeine and not one ingredient that your body needs to survive. True that some energy drinks can replenish your electrolytes in the short term, but that sugar fix will wear off. Bottom line, when your body is thirsty, the best option is always water.
  4. Snacking on empty calories. Being fat free or low carb does not make it healthy. Empty calories (calories void of nutritional value) do nothing for your body. If you absolutely need a snack, try keeping fruit, vegetables, nuts, or protein bars on hand to curb that craving. Even water can help fill you up until the next meal.
  5. Watching an abundance of TV. A recent article stated that you use less energy while watching TV than while sitting still! Anything is better than sitting on the couch all day in a vegetative state. There are even exercises you can do while watching tv!.

Most of us have developed at least one of these habits and are totally unaware of how unhealthy and destructive they can be to our lifestyle. Of course, I'm not telling you to never watch TV, or never snack – merely trying to raise your level of awareness and prevent you from sabotaging your diet efforts. Observe your habits and ask yourself how they are contributing to your current fitness level. You may be surprised what you see but you will then have the knowledge to get started and achieve your ideal weight.

The Biggest Myth Amongst Diet Pills.

Max Fuel Annually, Americans squander billions upon billions on ineffective diet pills. There are only two possible outcomes achieved by the majority of users. First and most common, they fail to lose any significant amount of weight. Or second, they end up losing the weight, but then gain it all back once they stop taking the pills.

Moreover, I think that the reason for these failures are two-fold. One reason is that many diet pill makers either lie or exaggerate their claims. In this instance, there is not much else you could do, except attempt to your money back. However, I think the second reason people fail is more important. Those using diet supplements desire a rapid and care free solution to their weight problems. This is unrealistic and is most likely the most common diet pill myth around.

In spite of this myth Americans are buying diet pills at ever increasing rates and the pill manufacturers are more than happy to oblige. Essentially what has happened is that marketers keep making more and more outrageous statements such as: “lose 100 pounds before you finish reading this article.Many consumers believe all the claims, and they think they will instantly lose a lot of weight.

Maxx Trim Diet Pill The funny thing is, some diet pills are actually effective. It is a shame as if all diet pills were ineffective you could rule them out completely. Losing  weight and maintaining that loss is really only successful when your diet is correct and you are undertaking physical activity often. These methods may take months or even years to complete for most consumers.

Real diet pills can speed up the process of weight loss but it can't be your only approach. In order to not regain the lost weight, you will need to continue to eat healthy and exercise. A diet pill should be viewed as a tool to help your weight problem, not the solution to it. While you will still have to do a lot of the work, it will help.

Make sure you use a reputable brand of diet pill if you are going to use it as a weight loss aid. The easiest way to do this is to type the name of the pill +review on google. Steer clear of any negative reviews.

Keep in mind, that a lot of people who are in the diet pill business are selling fake products, causing it to be hard to figure out what is real and what is false. Some diet pills perform well but you have to be honest. Weight loss is not easy and takes time to properly execute. Keep that in mind when pick a diet pill and you will ultimately be successful with your weight loss goals. Max Fuel Review

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Take on the Maxx Fuel Diet Pill

Maxx Fuel Diet Pill There are a vast number of diet pills (hundreds, if not thousands) marketed these days. Many new things continually appear. The majority of people need to know which diet pills are effective. There is a lot of hype around Maxx Fuel, a relatively new diet pill so does it work the way it claims?

A quick reply is that of course Maxx Fuel does its job but it might not be for everybody. If used properly by the right people you can certainly lose weight with the help of Maxx Fuel, but most people will fail when using it. Let me explain this to you so that you will know.

Maxx Fuel contains ephedrine, so you should check with your health practitioner before using it. Some people cannot use products containing ephidrine, and you should check and see if it's OK for you.

Another factor in avoiding Maxx Fuel would be one might not be consistent in their work. Let me be clear Maxx Fuel works, but it is not a miracle drug. It can help you lose weight but it won't do it all on its own. For it to succeed you need to use it regularly and in addition to other weight loss plans. Max Fuel Diet

Most people who use Maxx Fuel take it for a month, lose some weight but not as much as they originally planned. They are not successful because they won't do something more to help themselves with weight loss. If you want to lose your weight on Maxx Fuel,you have to do either of the two things,eat less or exercise.

If you want to lose weight quickly, you have to follow this process. The options are to use Maxx Fuel for an extended time period, although this can cost a lot of money or don't use it and everything will stay the same.

You make the decision. I am aware that you have taken different diet pills previously and it didn't work, but to be honest there is a chance that you won't succeed with Maxx Fuel if you don't follow the instructions. But if the right people use Maxx Fuel the right way, they'll definitely be able to meet their weight loss targets. Maxx Trim.

How to Stop Overeating

Overeating happens to most people every now and then. Who hasn't reached for the antacids after a big meal at least once? Overeating is a big problem if you are trying to lose weight, though. If you find that you tend to overeat a lot, there are ways to stop so that you can drop pounds as well as this bad habit. Here are a few tips to get you started.

If you eat while watching TV or while using the computer, a whole bag of chips or box of cookies can disappear without you even realizing you did it. A good rule of thumb is not to eat when you are concentrating on something else. Savor every bite and concentrate on the food that is going into your mouth.

If you just love to snack in front of the tube, make sure to divide big bags of chips, pretzels, cookies, and candy into smaller, snack-sized portions. This will keep you from mindlessly diving deeper into the bag. Once your portion is gone, it's gone, and you won't keep reaching for more.

Another way to curb seconds and thirds is to buy it individually wrapped. You can't overeat if there is no more to eat.

When making dinners for the family, make sure that you only make enough to serve everyone one serving. Once again, you can't overeat if there is no more food to eat. If you have a ravenous husband or teen, this may not be possible. If you simply have to make extra food, leave it all in the kitchen. Have your family dish up their plates in the kitchen and take their plates to the table. This way the food isn't on the table within easy reach.

If you tend to dish too much food on your plate for your first serving, you may want to consider using a smaller plate. You can't dish up as much food if you don't have room for it.

Using these simple tips can make a huge difference in the amount of food that you consume. A smaller amount of food equals a smaller you. Also, try reading ebooks, such as Turbulence training review, to help you lose more weight.

The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website,

Weight Loss Secrets that Anyone Can Use

Almost everyone has gone on a diet at least once in their lives. It's hard to change your eating habits, but the desire to shed those pounds steels your resolve. Ironically, many a diet fails due to this steely resolve. Just because you want to lose weight doesn't mean you have to administer punishment to yourself to accomplish your goal. Here are several sure-fire weight loss secrets.

If you get too extreme in your diet program, you're setting yourself up for failure. No one is going to stick with a diet that consists of a glass of juice and a container of plain yogurt for breakfast, a couple of saltines and a cup of soup for lunch, followed by a dreary dinner of a tiny piece of meat and a dinner salad. You'll be down at the convenience store getting a bag of cookies by the second day. You do want to count calories, but be reasonable. Many people fail simply because they got too radical, cutting calories to 900 a day, in hopes of losing weight quickly. Nine times out of ten, this strategy does not work. Setting realistic goals and following a consistent program is the first weight loss secret of every successful dieter.

Keeping a food diary is a proven technique in keeping dieters honest. Get a small, 5 by 8 inch notebook and carry it everywhere. Whenever you eat something, jot it down. You'll be surprised when you review your notes at the end of the day. Food seems to go into our mouths, unnoticed, unless you use this method of keeping track. Many studies have shown that dieters who keep a food diary, lose more weight than those who don't, and also tend to keep the weight off.

Keeping a food diary also helps you discover certain eating patterns which contribute to those unwanted pounds. When you log your weight, once a week, you'll also start to notice foods that work for you. For example, you've been adding more fruits and veggies to your menus, while cutting back on sweets. Your taste buds and appetite adjust, over time. Now you prefer the produce and, lo and behold, you're losing weight at a steady pace! This is a new addition to the weight loss secrets arsenal, fast gaining a huge following.

Spreading your food consumption out with more frequent, but smaller meals works well for many people. Five or six small meals can help you feel satisfied, while gradually shrinking your stomach and improving your digestion. Another technique is to eat meals, one course at a time. Take your time eating your salad and chew your food slowly. You'll know when your full, you'll get more enjoyment from eating and your overall digestive system benefits as well. This simple change in your eating patterns is one of the best weight loss secrets, but not well known.

If you have a voracious appetite, you may not be satisfied with that well-known and  recommended 4-ounce portion of meat. If it now takes a 12-ounce portion of meat to make you happy, cut it down gradually over the first three weeks. Start increasing the veggie content of that meal. You should feel satisfied with the 4-ounce portion and a load of veggies by the end of the first month. Choose lean meats you like, eating fish a couple of times each week, as possible. Broiling or grilling reduces fat and calories. Olive oil, with no saturated or trans fats, is a no-cholesterol and heart healthy choice for salad dressings.

If you like to butter your veggies, wean yourself away from this fattening habit. Try substituting a sprinkling of herbal seasoning mixtures to add interest and  taste. Too much salt causes water retention, so check out salt substitutes, including herbal blends which are reminiscent of salt, without containing salt.

So many dieters never eat breakfast, thinking that practice should allow for a larger lunch and dinner. While it's true the calories not consumed at breakfast may be divided between lunch and dinner for a net target calorie intake, this is a self-defeating technique.

Breakfast, like Mom always said, is the most important meal of the day, supplying fuel to get you going. By the time lunch rolls around, you might well have burned all the calories consumed at breakfast! Burning calories is good! Breakfast is also a good time to get your fiber in a whole grain cereal or bran muffin. A glass of juice and some yogurt completes this nutritious and low calorie meal. You'll be happily surprised as you discover that the best, truly effective, weight loss secrets are really common sense.

Lunch should be your largest meal. Again, you have a much better chance of burning those calories off in the course of your work day than you do settling down to a big meal on the couch in front of the TV. Dinner should be light. Taking a walk, after dinner, weather permitting, is a good exercise strategy. You burn calories, relax and avoid that sluggish feeling.

Snacking between meals can help you avoid overeating at mealtime. This weight loss secret works only if you choose healthy snacks, such as a piece of fruit or sunflower seeds. The secret here is to choose a snack that is low in calories and takes a long time to eat. For example, unshelled sunflower seeds are a lot more work to 'prepare' than a cup of peanuts or a bag of chips!

While a thoughtful diet plan should steadily reduce your intake of forbidden foods – we all know what they are – there's no need to get on a total guilt trip over a pastry. Occasional treats are allowed. Just be sure to log these in your food diary!

Our last two weight loss secrets are well known, but not well received by dieters. Yep, you guessed it: drink lots of water and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. If you don't like water, jazz it up with a teaspoon of lemon or lime. Do your chosen exercise, without fail.

If you put all of these weight loss secrets to work for you, you'll lose the weight! Secrets like this are meant to be told to all your friends. You'll be a hero or heroine to everyone with whom you share these common sense weight loss secrets.

Top Weight Loss Site

Easy Weight Loss For Teens

Weight loss plans for teens are rare. Most people think that overweight teens will usually get over it, but what they don’t realize is that teens have to go through ridicule and embarrassment among their peers. Parents treat this issue lightly and teens suffer through the process. If you are a teen who is trying to lose weight, then I encourage you to read on.

I know how you must feel right now with your weight. You are ashamed. You keep yourself isolated. You don’t have many friends and when you do, they treat you like crap. You cannot fit into nice clothes that your friends wear and you feel left out. Boys don’t take a second look at you. You are the talk of the school and they snicker behind your back.

However, don’t feel as if there is no help, because there is. You need to grab this article and let your parent or parents read this for themselves. Here are some tips that will boost your confidence and give you hope.

You are probably wondering how Jessica Simpson lose weight and I want you to dream that you are Jessica, because you will get to that point where you feel comfortable about who you are.


Fast Weight Loss Tips

With your parent’s help, you can set goals that are realistic - You have to get serious about changing your situation and the first thing to do is to set a goal of how much weight you want to lose. Don’t say 30 pounds in 10 days when you know that you are not disciplined enough to do that right away. Start with 2 pounds per week or even 1 pound. This is more realistic and you won’t feel too bad if you don’t’ meet your goal for one week. You will be less motivated if you set a goal that is unreachable. Keep a weight loss progress chart so you can see how you are doing.

Begin to prepare for your weight loss regime – NO JUNK FOOD. This is the main problem causing your over weight. Try to begin slowly changing your diet gradually. Instead of chocolate, eat some fruit.

Instead of a burger for lunch, eat a salad. Drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Some of the foods to eat to lose weight are alkaline foods. The body is generally acidic and when you eat foods high in acid, it compounds the problem and bloats you up. Alkaline foods flush out the acid from your body. You can find a list of alkaline foods online by searching for “alkaline diet.”

Pat yourself on the back - When you get to a weekly goal that suits you, go out and buy something tangible (not food) that will make you feel good. You should know what you like. Treat yourself for being good.

A Healthy Breakfast is key – It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip breakfast, you are going to want to eat all the junk food that you can lay your hands on at lunch time. Make sure you wake up early and fix a healthy and large breakfast. That will keep you until lunch and you don’t have to snack.

Yes, Exercise is important – I know you want to avoid this part of the plan, but some form of exercise is essential. Do something that you like. For example, if you like to bike, skating, hike, or walk, go ahead and choose the one that suits you. There is no set rule that you have to go to the gym.

Get enough sleep – 7 – 8 Hours of sleep each night is another essential item in your plan. Your body functions better with the right amount of sleep. Sleep helps your body to adjust to your weight loss plan.


Top Weight Loss Site

Following these easy ways to lose weight will give you a good start to your goal. Get your mind ready to shed the pounds like many other teens are doing and showing success. I have the most successful weight loss plans for teens on my website.

If you are saying, Yes, I want to lose weight, put me on this successful plan, then go to the top weight loss plans for teens.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What Should You Know About African Hoodia Supplement

Not surprisingly, along with so many other latest trends when it comes to dieting and supplements, Hoodia Gordonii diet pills are making its way towards hitting the market. These tablets are promoted as '100 percent vegan dieting pills' which are also free from any damaging chemicals or useless additives added that it had been around and used for hundreds of years already thus may sound alluring especially to those who are eager to slim down. They may be attractive to the eyes of those people who had been perpetually dieting thus trying out for some newly promoted products is something that they just can't help doing.

If you're keen to learn more about it, hopefully the information about Hoodia dieting tablets is useful for you. Unlike Proactol, the mode of action of these tablets is that it gives you a satiated feeling, so that you do not consume more, and thereby lose weight. Made from the Hoodia plant, which has been used by ancient man to 'kill hunger' during wars and long battles. It's been said that Hoodia diet tabs has the most concentrated chemical substance that is responsible for blocking hunger signals to your brain called the Molecule P57.

Hoodia Gordonii Plus is quick and effective weight loss supplement. It is supposed that it can aid you lose weight quickly. On contrary, it is not a wonder pill. Unless you have tried everything, then you should not consider it. But if you face trouble losing weight, then check out Hoodia Gordonii Plus feedback.

If price of the Hoodia diet tabs is the point you are keen to know, these vary according to the retailer but can range anywhere from to about 0, for stronger variations. If you still want to try something that is the cheapest before going into the higher dosage with a lot expensive price, you can resort to purchasing a bottle with 400-milligram caps (for 90) which can be enough to last for almost three months. Normally, you will pay about to more to get 60 tablets of 750 milligram caps. Available in the same price range are elixir preparations, which claim to be especially effective in suppressing cravings for junk food and night time hunger. You can also buy Hoodia Gordonii capsules with fat-burning abilities in its special preparation at a price of less than which is said to be best taken before meals at 2 to 3 times a day.

If you can stretch your budget to more than 0, then buy combo formulations. In terms of speed as well as efficacy, these are considered to be better than the normal preparations. The additional ingredients contained in the specially formulated Hoodia dieting tabs are not just Hoodia Gordonii, but also Biogenic amines, Cinnamon twig extract, Spirulina, and enzyme variations, and more.

How does Hoodia work ? What happens is that the brain is being told that the blood sugar is normal which prevents from feeling hungry. The effect usually starts in less than 2 weeks but many people experience the appetite suppressing effects within one day. You can discover more about Hoodia at Cloud 9 Hoodia800 feedback.

Watch out for some fake tabs: Fillers or additives such as Caffeine, Epherda and the like are added to Hoodia dieting tabs by some fraudulent producers and made available to the marketplace. Just before you make any purchase of Hoodia dieting pills, be keen in finding out whether the producer is trustworthy since many of them can deceive you due to the scarcity in Hoodia Gordonii which is principally the reason why fraudulent acts are done. Pick those who sell only high-potency products and have access to Hoodia farms (mostly in South Africa), enabling them to produce top-quality dieting tabs with the right dosage.

The Straightforward Way To Pure Weight Loss

If you want to attain pure weight loss you need to get rid of the fat in your body.  This can be done most effectively by keeping the muscle you have and only burning the fat.  In the following paragraphs you'll discover just how to keep the muscle you have and burn the fat you don't want in a healthy manner.

Let me warn you, this is going to take effort on your part.  No pill is going to do it for you.  These pills or supplements can aid in the burning of fat but should not be the only thing you do in an effort to acquire pure weight loss.

Do you really want to know the secret to sustained weight loss?  It's simple, exercise and a healthy diet.I realize that this is not exactly what you wanted to hear.  For the most part, people would rather pull their hair out than exercise or diet.  Listen, it's not that bad, it is really easier than you think.

Your not going to be required to go cross country skiing for an hour if that is what your fearing.  On the contrary, your body will begin to burn it's fat stores after 16 minutes, give or take a minute or two.  This amount of time is based on each individual's physical makeup.  What happens is that you body will burn carbohydrates in the first 15 minutes of exercise.  To obtain fat loss, you will want to go past this time period for an additional 10 minutes at the least.

The key here is that you don't want to burn muscle because it burns the most calories in your body.As muscle is lost, the body's natural fat burning mechanism is deminished.  You ideally want to gain muscle to aid in the burning of fat.  That's why it's not a good idea to crash diet, your body will lose muscle and dampen it's ability to get rid of what you really want to see go, fat.

Let me preface by saying that it can be easy to get discouraged when the results don't come as quick as you want. You have to fight those feelings off.  This is more normal than you would suspect.  When you take on a pure weight loss program you will be burning the fat and be replacing it with muscle in the beginning.Try not to panic, just because there is no apparent loss in weight you may still begin to fit into some of those old clothes.  Really.

Another thing you need to consider it to try other things than just aerobic activity.To guarantee results, you should start lifting weights as well.  This can kick start your metabolism if it gets stuck in a rut.  Remember, muscle burns fat so muscle is good.

Myths about Weight Loss

Weight Loss Myths

If you want to start a diet, fist you must know that nutrition, exercise and weight loss are surrounded by a large number of myths. We can’t list them all, but here are the most common ones.

  1. Not exercising gets you fat.

The body fat doesn’t come as a result of lack of exercise. It is gained when your blood sugar level is very high and outruns what you are using. This basically means that you eat calories in quantities that are too big. Therefore, daily exercise helps you burn these calories that are in excess, not to mention the many other health benefits that come as a result. If you take in more calories than needed you will see that exercise is not enough for you to lose weight.

So this is the most important thing to remember if you want to lose weight: taking in more calories than you can burn means gaining weight, your body storing them as fat. Always remember that you need to work out and you can even have a good free workout at home or in the park.

2. The metabolism starts to slow down after turning 30.

This is another common myth. But actually, it had been shown by the many research studies that this metabolism slow down with age comes as a cause of muscle tissue loss, this loss being related to the lack of physical exercise. So if you want to avoid this metabolism slow down as you get older, don’t forget to include in your exercise program forms of weight bearing exercise, for example gym work.

  1. Carbs are going to make you get fat.

All over the world food like pasta and bread is being avoid by people who believe these foods are fattening because they are sources of carbohydrates. We are also faced with low carb diets. But any kind of food or drink can be fattening if you make abuse and eat more than you need; even fruit or vegetables, like lettuce, can be deposited as body fat, if the sugar level in your blood exceeds the needs of your body. You can eat everything as long as you eat what is right.

  1. Eating after 7pm makes you fat

This is false. You will get fat no matter what time you eat, as long as you don’t really need these extra calories. But if your body needs them, you can eat after 7pm without to worry about your weight. The secret is to eat in the adequate moments of the day, when you burn more calories than usually.

  1. Strength training makes you bulky

You won’t believe how many women worry about this. But intensive strength training can’t determine your muscle size; hormone production and genetics do.

Actually, for women, building muscles has its benefits: muscles help you burn calories. Therefore more calories are burned if you have more muscle; but burning the fat faster and easier is not the only advantage; it also makes it harder to gain that fat back.

These are only five common weight loss myths. We will discuss the other ones in future articles. Until then, keep these in mind, stay healthy and keep on exercising. Stay fit and learn how to lose weight the right way!


Fatloss4idiots Review – What I Like About Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

People have really become conscious with fat loss and have been able to understand the threats that come with obesity. People often choose different ways to tackle their weight gaining problems. Some choose tablets, some choose patches and some of them go for some heavy and grueling exercises.

Although exercise is important in losing weight, all of these things never help you without a perfect balance in your diet and that´s where you must put more emphasis along with using some other weight loss options. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one such online healthy weight loss diet plan that can help you to decide as to what are the best things to eat and what is the specific and more suitable time to eat them?

Diet is a basic factor in weight loss and most people are aware of it. That is one of the reason that they often try to get some information over the nutritional value of different foods and then they use it according to their own planning.

However, most people think that by not taking any carbohydrates at all, and then you will lose weight fast. What actually happens is most people actually aggravate their conditions as restricting yourself from taking carbohydrates is not the way to lose weight but it is the way to lose your energy.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program describe specific combinations of different diets with different nutritional values. They keep this into consideration that they use the right percentage of all necessary nutrition.

This is the right way to lose weight and stay healthy and active at the same time. There are four meals in a day and there will be some different combinations to choose from. As long as you stay within those combinations, you can eat them in the extent you like. Just don´t overeat as this will not be rational and you have to stay rational and motivated, as long as possible.

They will also teach you some weight loss secrets that can stimulate your weight loss and you will be able to lose more weight in smaller time. For instance, water is an important thing, however, most people don´t even know as what is the requirement of water consumption.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will explain the importance of water in your diet. One of the most amazing things about Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan is that the combinations of foods are not expensive and it´s fairly easy to buy them at any local supermarket or grocery store.

If you are determined to lose weight and willing to stick to the diet plan strictly, then I recommend you buy fat loss 4 idiots. Read my fat loss 4 idiots review here.

Why People Are Using Green Tea Diet Patches For Losing Weight

The method of green tea diet patches is pretty much the same as nicotine patches. One of the benefits of using a green tea diet patch is simply that it's very simply to apply and offers no side-effects what-so-ever.  So are you ready to discover more about green tea diet patches?  There's more to this than just simply being another pointless fad diet

Green tea diet patches contain a large quantity of green tea extract, a drink made from the steaming the leaves of the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Green tea diet patches are said to have several health benefits. Weight loss isn't the only benefits you'll notice from using green tea diet patches, you'll also reduce your chances of cancer amongst other diseases.

Clinical Studies on Green Tea Diet Patches

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed the weight loss benefits of green tea diet patches. Polyphenols are substances present in green tea diet patches that can augment metabolism. It's been found that green tea diet patches can really improve the energy expended by the body by four percent in 24 hours.

Also, green tea diet patches seems to accelerate metabolic rates without increasing blood pressure or heart rate. Green tea diet patches improve the process of thermogenesis, a process by which the body releases heat by burning fats. Green tea diet patches are anything but dangerous and are really effective fat-burners. Green tea patches aren't like other diet supplements you get elsewhere, there no need to be concerned about the usual side-effects such as cardiovascular complications or hypertension.

Green Tea Diet Patches vs. Green Tea Diet Pills

Green tea diet patches use transdermal method of delivery. This means that green tea diet patches allows the skin to directly absorb the beneficial substances, thereby, eliminating or diminishing several setbacks commonly experienced by pill users.

When using a patch, the green tea ingredients are allowed to seep into your body over many hours. Unlike pills which requires several applications in a day, green tea diet patches is only applied once in one day.

Ingredients of Green Tea Diet Patches

Aside from green tea extract, green tea diet patches also contain other helpful substances. Fucus vesiculosus in green tea diet patches has been used to aid in weight loss as early as the 17th Century. According to a recent research by Dr. Marvin Koplick of the U.S., the Fucus substance in green tea diet patches can help the body shed additional weight up to twenty pounds in two months. Fucus vesiculoscus in green tea diet patches burns fat in the safest, most effective way possible since it exhibits no side-effects.

Other ingredients found in green tea diet patches are Garcinia cambogia, an exotic fruit grown in South India. Garcinia cambogia in green tea diet patches has an active ingredient called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is an antioxidant much like Vitamin C.

Guarana in green tea diet patches act as a natural appetite-suppressant. Guarana is also found in green tea diet patches because they are able to reduce your apetite and also increase your body's metabolism.

Green tea diet patches also contain Chromium picolinate. This compound in green tea diet patches is essential in maintaining insulin levels in the body. For fat burning, increased energy levels and lean muscle, Chromium picolinate as been added to the patches.

How the Green Tea Diet Patches are Appled

Green tea diet patches are applied to clean, dry skin. The recommended parts to apply green tea diet patches are the shoulders, thigh, back, and belly portions of the body. Although some green tea diet patches reputedly contain green tea worth 48 hours, most green tea diet patches have a 24-hour limit.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Belly Fat Diets - Are they all the same?

Rediscovering belly fat diets

Do you have those love handles? If so, you have probably looked into some kind of belly fat diet to help you lose or reduce the amount of fat on your stomach. You are not alone.

The problem isthat: are belly fat diets always the same?

Eating healthy and exercising are the surefire ways to get rid of belly fat. Healthy eating means low-starch carbohydrates, whole wheat breads, fruits, vegetables, lean meat and less processed food. Smaller but more frequent meals in the day. Eat only to remove the hunger plus a little, not overfill the stomach. Plus, exercise regularly everyday.

These are all contained in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.It includes a complex carbohydrate diet designed mostly for losing belly fat. If you are interested in this diet, take a look at the Fat Loss 4 Idiots review.

It is very important to have no body fat and live healthy.

People shaped like apples (body fat in the abdomen) have been found to more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes than those woht pear-shaped bodies (fats in the leg, buttocks or thighs).If you are one of many apple-shaped people, what can you do to reduce your belly fat to live a longer, more healthy life?

You can exercise.

Do one of those cardiovascular and resistance routines five days a week.

Eat healthy, as mentioned above.

Follow the recommendations of the "Fat Loss 4 Idiots" diet program.Restrict your diet to those mentioned previously.Form a habit of eating only these foods.Consistency on the diet and exercise will pay off this time.They must be part of, not addenda to, your life.

In order to lose weight and have it be a long term change you really need to integrate all of these things into your daily routine. Get into the mind space that these changes aren't just a short term change to drop weight this month, instead these changes are a life long road to a healthier you.

How Can I Lose Weight Fast

If you are thinking how in the world that you're going to lose the weight it's a good thing to remember that you are certainly not alone in the fight. There is a very troubling question that most people ask themselves on a daily basis, "how can I lose weight". Luckily, there are several ways that you can answer this question for yourself.

First, when you're thinking about how quickly can I lose weight, the sole thing to remember is that how you live your life is all up to you. However, you may find that some situations are completely out of your control. If you want to answer the question, how can I lose weight, the first step you need to take is to find a diet plan you can stick to. Then make sure that it is a healthy plan and that there isn't an underlying problem for your weight. If you want your weight loss to be successful then you should choose the right diet plan and then it's only a matter of time.

You want to choose a diet and exercise program that works well with you and that you can stick with. An easy and quick way to start losing weight is to get out and move around a little. Eating correctly is what you then must be sure of. Your diet plan should help you figure out a great way for you to eat. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to dieting and stick with a diet plan that works best.

With the combination of diet (or a good fat blocker pill) and exercise, you'll be able to answer the question of "how do I lose weight" forever. If you work at it and keep up at your diet you'll find that you won't see results overnight but you will see them eventually.

Keep your eyes peeled for the diet and exercise program that's right for you. Keep your eyes peeled for the best diet for you. A skinnier, happier, healthier you is just a little bit of time away once you find the right diet plan!

Diet Is First Step To a Full and Healthy Life

Living a healthy lifestyle generally means eating a balanced diet, participating in a moderate exercise program, limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking and maintaining a normal weight. It may sound daunting to most people who are limited by job and family commitments, time constraints or simply lack of initiative. Making sure your body is in good health does not mean you must be a slave to food and exercise. Small changes in lifestyle can have a big impact.

A healthy diet is important to all of us but when you need to lose weight choose one of the top 10 diets. Trying the latest fad diet only to find it doesn't work and moving to another plan will end up having you putting weight on rather than losing any. By choosing a low diet plan that is proven to work you will find it easier to stick to because it works.

Excercise doesn't have to be a dirty word. If your lifestyle is sedentary, start slowly and increase your activity level as you reach small targets you set for yourself. That could be something as taking the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Over time, you might decide to take a walk as part of your lunch hour. Eventually you may want to join a fitness center to increase your progress. Go at the pace you enjoy and are comfortable with.

If you are still a smoker you need to get on a cessation program. There are medications in pill, patch and gum form that can assist you in stopping. Getting help by finding a quit smoking buddy or talking to a counselor have both been proven to improve your chances of quiting smoting. Side effects of smoking include rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath and more serious chronic diseases such as cancer, emphysema and heart disease can eventually develop.

Drinking alcohol in moderation has actually been shown to benefit the cardiovascular system. However, consuming more than a glass or two a day can cause liver damage. The liver acts as a giant filter system of the body. When the filter gets clogged, your body will not function properly. Blood clotting difficulties, Jaundice, gallstones, organ failure and death can result when the liver is compromised.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) can help you calculate what a healthy weight is for your body type. You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight by the square of your height or go online and use a BMI calculating tool. Regulating your diet and adding health fitness weekly can help stabilize your weight.

You may have let yourself go. Your body feels sluggish and you have no energy. You may have health issues that run in your family. What should you do? Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Add healthier food choices to your diet gradually. Make health fitness part of your daily routine. Stop smoking and drink a glass of red wine with a meal. To maintain a normal weight, eat right and increase your activity levels. The lifestyle goals you set for yourself are that much closer when you make small changes over a period of time.

Soda Water For Weight Loss Made Simple

Soda water is a alternative to un healthy drinks when losing weight. Because obese people often can just do with plain water, it does not taste good enough when life circulate around eating. Carbonated soda water taste great and when tired of the plain water, one can add Aromhuset good tasting flavors that hold no calories sugars or carbohydrates.

Soda water, also referred to as sparkling water, and is plain water with carbon dioxide gas added -- it has been "carbonated.". It is the most dominant ingredient of most "soft drinks.". This process of carbonation has a happy result -- carbonic acid, enjoyed by millions as soda pop.

Many people enjoy a simple home chemistry: using a seltzer bottle filled with water and then “charged” with carbon dioxide to produce soda water, also known as club soda. Club soda is often just the same as plain carbonated water; however, in some cases, it can have a small amount of table salts and sodium trace minerals. Such additives could possibly make the taste of home made soda water a bit salty. In some areas the process occurs very naturally and issues in carbonated mineral water.

A little dental decay might sometimes be caused by sparkling mineral water. While the potential problem of sparkling water is greater than still water the problem remains low. Drinkers of regular soft drinks risk a higher rate of tooth decay compared to drinking sparkling water. Dental decay may, in fact, not be greatly affected by carbonated drinks since the rate is so low.

Ground waters, usually from artesian wells, often absorb carbon dioxide gases while filtering through layers of ground minerals containing various forms of carbonates. Natural sparkling water is what results. If the water also picks up enough different minerals to add a flavor to the water it becomes sparkling mineral water.

Soda water is basically just water and carbon dioxide. Sparkling mineral water is a carbonation which is naturally-occurring. In the year 1794, a jeweler invented a different kind of device -- one to produce artificial carbonated mineral water.

In a taste test of several carbonated drinks, it was determined that Perrier, a sparkling natural mineral water, kept its fizz the longest.

For consumers who believe seltzer to be a bit harsh, club soda offers an alternative, with a gentle fizz. During the taste test, club soda seemed to be milder, and a little sweeter, than the standard carbonated water.

Club soda, sparkling mineral water, seltzer, and carbonated water have zero calories, making them a dieter’s choice over soda pop and tonic water.

Tonic water is a type of carbonate drink containing water, sugar, carbon dioxide and quinine. Quinine's first use in tonic water was as an additive to help cure or prevent malaria. These days it is commonly mixed with gin and lemon or lime for an alcoholic drink.

This is just a few facts and names used for soda water.


Top 5 Ways to Build Muscle to Burn Fat

There are hundreds of new products, pills and routines out there that will claim to be the fastest way to burn body fat fast. Some of these products do work. Some of them will make you feel guilty for buying them in the first place. The rest are just a pile of junk and you know it.

The “SOME” that work only work to the extent of giving you quick results for a short period of time. Did you know that your body can adapt to any routine within 4 to 5 weeks? Why wait that long and get disappointed?

You should already be aware of the fact that muscle burns fat. The more muscle you gain, the leaner you get quickly. So why not get the double advantage of building muscle by picking exercises that build lean muscle, and also create the largest calorie expenditure that burns fat like crazy?

- Pick total body compound movements like Deadlifts, Squats, Weighted Pushups, Chinups and Pullups for hard core muscle building and fat burning. No isolated movements would give you the same results at such a speed.

- Focus on achieving a new personal record in every workout. Try to increase weight, get more reps or sets in the same time or LESS time in every workout. This increases intensity and muscular shock.

- Eat to build lean muscle not fatty jiggle. Focus on feeding your body with low GI carbs, fruits and green fibrous vegetables to build the lean, ripped body you need. Stay away from junk food.

- Get rest. This might come as a shocked to you but rest is necessary to build muscle. You don’t build muscle during the workout. It happens during the time you give you rest for your muscles to complete repairs. Take a week off every 8 to 10 weeks for optimum results.

- Focus on free weights and bodyweight exercises. Never use a machine unless it is for something like a kneeling cable crunch which is a great exercise for the abs.

These 5 tips will get you way ahead of the game to build more muscle and burn fat fast, but if you interested, visit my site: Heath and Fitness Site for more tips and resources.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to Use the Glycemic Index to Lose Weight

The glycemic index, or GI, can be helpful to those looking to lose weight. It ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on glucose levels in the blood.

Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion have a high GI rating. This is important because foods with a high GI rating raise blood sugar levels and throws your metabolism off kilter. The result is weight gain. Foods with a low GI rating keep a person's blood sugar at an even level, making it easier to lose weight. Eating foods with a low GI can also lower your risk of developing diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Studies have shown that rats that ate a diet full of foods with a high GI diet were 71% fatter and had 8% less lean body mass rats that ate foods with low GI numbers. (Pawlak, 2004)
So, how do you know which foods have a low GI without consulting a chart every time you eat? Use these easy tips for eating foods with a low GI:
·        First, avoid processed foods.
·        Eat breads that are high in fiber.
·        Choose muffins, bagels, and rolls that contain oats, whole wheat, seeds, and nuts.
·        Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
·        Stay away from foods with empty calories like soda, candy, and chips.
·        Eat more legumes.
·        Avoid sugary cereals.
A good rule of thumb is to avoid all foods that have a high level of sugar. Reading food labels can help with this a lot and will take out most of the guesswork. Also, try to use sugar substitutes in your cooking. Here is an example of a low GI recipe to get you started.
Yogurt Blue Berry Muffins
·        1/3 cups brown sugar substitute
·        1/3 cup flax seed
·        2 1/2 cups rolled oat
·        1 tsp baking soda
·        3 cups whole wheat flour
·        1/4 tsp salt
·        3 eggs
·        2 cups plain yogurt
·        3/4 cup canola oil
·        2 cups frozen blueberries (thawed)
First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine the wheat flour, oats, salt and baking soda and mix well.
In another, smaller, bowl, combine the sugar, yogurt, oil, and eggs. Beat the mixture until it is smooth and then add the blue berries.
Gently mix the wet and dry ingredients together. Bake for around 20 minutes in a greased muffin tin.

Using the glycemic index you can start losing weight right away. Also, try reading ebooks, such as Turbulence Training review, to help you lose more weight.

Four Steps to Safe and Permanent Weight Loss

Safe & Permanent Weight Loss

Now that I know how weight loss really works, I can lose it fairly easily when I want to.
However, it wasn't always that way. Sometimes it took me months to lose about one
pound. That's because I had no idea how weight loss actually worked. For example, I
thought that if I just went hungry, that would cause weight loss.

However, I didn't know that caused my body to go into “survival mode” where it tried to
hang on to as much body fat as possible. So yes, there are safe ways to lose weight that are even easier than going hungry. However, many people go about them all wrong.

First there is no such thing as a permanent and safe weight loss shortcut. You can try a bogus body wrap, sweat suit, etc, but with these all you loose is water weight.

You can also try to use other useless fast weight loss shortcuts like diet pills, herbs, teas, patches, lotions, muscle contractors, etc.- but again, all that's going to happen is you're going to waste money and time- time you could be spending losing weight safely and permanently the right way.

If your skeptical about weight loss products not working because all the advertising hype that say they do work, just keep my least favorite statistic in mind: Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese, while spending over 40 billion dollars annually on weight loss products. So if anything you could buy really made you lose weight permanently, would this many people still be overweight?

So what is safest way to permanently lose weight?

You have to burn off that fat. Nothing else works. You have to use more calories that you consume. The faster you burn them off, the faster you will lose weight. It really is that simple. Let me give you an example of how weight loss really works:

Several years ago there was a a cable documentary about a man that lost fourteen
pounds in around twelve hours. How? He swam the English Channel. Since he didn't
eat while swimming, his body had no choice but to use fat stores for energy. Calories
consumed as energy depends on the person and the activity. In his case, around
49,000 calories of energy were consumed from fat in twelve hours.

Now note I'm not saying you should try this. This guy was is really good shape. As a
matter of fact, he put those extra pounds on purpose, because he knew fat was
going to be needed for energy. I'm just providing an example of how rapid weight loss
works in the real world.

If you want to lose weight permanently, you can do something similar, just not so extreme.
The first thing you need to do is change as many weight gain habits as possible over to
weight loss habits. The more habits you change, the faster the weight will be burned off.

If you don't have any interest in giving up double cheese supreme pizzas or going for a
jog instead of sitting on the sofa- then you're wasting your time. You have to burn off as many calories as you can- while you reduce the calories that are coming in [without
going overboard and throwing your body into survival mode].

So no, don't try to starve yourself, just eat food that fills you up with far fewer calories.
So to lose weight as easily and safely as possible- you need to keep an eye on calorie density. This just means instead of filling up on candy, you fill up on healthy natural fibrous foods like fruits and veggies, along with natural foods that are low in carbs and high in protein like cold water fish, lean meats, eggs, etc.

Don't go overboard and cut out carbs, your body needs carbs for energy. However, it
does NOT need the man made carbs that come in cake, candy, donuts, chips, sodas,
energy drinks, etc. You are trying to burn fat for fuel. If you fill up on junk food, your body will NEVER tap into your fat stores for fuel.

So eat natural carbs, just keep an eye on them while you are in weight loss mode.

Here's some of my favorite “safest ways lose weight” tips:

Eat your natural carbs early in the day. That way you have the entire day to burn them off.

Eat NO carbs after around 6 PM- especially the carbs in junk food- or bread and pasta.

Do some cardio before you go to sleep, this way you burn off any left over carbs and
don't store them as fat when your metabolism slows way down as you sleep.

Do at least a 20 minute cardio workout first thing in the morning on a empty stomach- or
with a very small amount of protein, say 25 grams max. Then wait about an hour before
you eat. If you can, don't sit down for that hour. Then eat nothing but protein- like eggs
or lean meat- for breakfast. Do you see why this safe and natural weight loss tip works so well? You wake up with little or no carbs in your system, so when you get active, your body has no choice but to burn fat for fuel. See what you are doing here? You're going about permanent and safe weight loss the way it REALLY works. If you don't do what works- you CAN'T succeed.

If you want to make weight loss as safe and easy as possible, let food do the work for you.
Eat unprocessed foods and stop drinking colas and energy drinks, switch to water and
green tea [green tea supposedly has a small amount of natural fat burning qualities]. Eat three or four natural snacks a day. When you go to have your main meals, eat bulky and fibrous foods first- like fruits and veggies. This way you get full before you eat too many
calories- and the more calories you eat, the more you have to burn off.

Be careful and use your common sense. In my humble opinion, talk to your doctor
. Tell him / her what you have in mind. Your doctor knows your health history better
than me, and will able to give you specific advise on how many calories you can safely
cut back on- and how much physical activity you can tolerate without hurting yourself.

There are many ways to safely and permanently lose weight. The "trick" is to find ways that are easy for you personally. This way you won't be tempted to give up.

Don't fall for weight loss scams! The diet products sold by the giant weight loss industry are proven NOT to work. You have to burn off more calories than you consume- nothing else works. Here's some weight loss product reports.

As annoying as this is going to sound, I now lose weight as sort of a “hobby.”
Before you go postal on me, I want to remind you that I failed at losing weight for over
thirty years. However, now that I know exactly how to change my habits around, I can
choose my weight right down to the pound.

As I rather small framed person, I'm always in the process of trying to add muscle mass.
This is another subject entirely, but to do this you must eat constantly [trust me, it's not
as fun as it sounds] and you need to lift heavy weights. When you add muscle, you
almost always add fat. So every several months you take a break from the heavy weight lifting and switch over to cardio [and less calories] to burn off the fat you put on. [What
bodybuilders call “bulking and cutting.”]

My point is, I've done the fat loss phase so many times that I know exactly how to lose
body fat as easily as possible. It just took a little trail and error to learn how to quickly
and safely lose weight in a way that worked for me. Since I'm not very athletic and can't stand going hungry, I had to learn unique fat loss “tricks” that worked for my life.

And no, there are no "real" weight loss tricks or secrets, they're the common sense things that I just told you about- that work in the real word- and also fit with my older body and busy schedule.

It's nothing you won't be able to learn too. Safe and permanent weight loss is just like trying to learn any new skill, like swimming. The slowest part in the very beginning. After that, it's easy. You can learn how to lose weight the way it works for you in my book, New Body New Life. It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. If you don't like it, you get your money back- and you get to keep it. How's that for a no brainer jump start to making weight loss safe AND easy? See it at

Losing Weight Can Be Helped By Hypnosis

Take control of your weight now and prevent yourself from becoming obese.  It doesn't matter whether you are young or old..  Lots of people try quick weight loss diets and fail however.

Especially if you are more than 20 pounds over your ideal weight, you are at greater risk for a whole host of potentially deadly illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer.

What’s more, the majority of people who are fat tend to avoid fitness, and that avoidance just compounds the toll paid for added pounds.

These days, there are a number of procedures that can contribute and help people lose weight effectively. One of the known procedures in weight lss is via hypnosis.

If you would like to know more about losing weight with hypnosis, here are a few pointers you should take note of:-

1. For hypnosis to be safe it should be done by people who have been trained and are experts.  Lots of people think that hypnosis is completely safe however this is only when performed by a skilled practitioner.

2. Hypnosis alone cannot eliminate excess fat from the body and, therefore, make somebody lose weight.  Most health experts contend that hypnosis should only be a part of a whole assimilated process. It should never be used as the sole weight loss procedure.

Also, a single session of hypnosis will only have very minimal results on an individual’s weight. When losing weight, hypnosis matched with psychotherapy will be more effective than hypnosis alone. This is because hypnosis is only a state of deeply relaxing the mind, in which one can still be in control of his or her own body.

3. Hypnosis is a method of tapping into the person's subliminal state.  This allows suggestions to be made regarding weight loss.  Please bear in mind however that this doesn't mean your brain will be re-programed.

In reality, hypnosis can only run the range from trouble-free relaxation condition to proper initiation managed by a professional hypnotists. Therefore it should never be viewed as being magic solution to your problems and is in no way paranormal.

For weight loss hypnosis to be effective you need to also learn about healthy weight loss and exercise.  Therefore, it should be combined with other weight loss management program to be effective in making people lose excess weight. In this manner, people will be able to lose more weight with a more relaxed and refreshed state of mind.